Sunday, August 29, 2004

Response to Moore's Letter to the President - O

It Takes No Courage to Sell Your Soul and Then Demean All Veterans

Dear Mr. Moore:

You have made your differences with conservative America and the Bush administration quite apparent. Your laughable attempts at filmmaking have reflected not only your modest intellectual capacity; they would be an embarrassing addition to a legitimate filmography. You alone appear to be unaware that the joke, the valid and final laugh, is actually on you. The Kerry campaign, George Soros, the Clintons,, and many other fringe groups saw you coming long before you knew the meaning of the word pawn. Buying you was the cheapest (how fitting) second hand, thrift shop purchase the card-carrying members of Hollywood could have made. If you believe that behind closed doors, you are actually an icon inside the inner circle, grow up. For the time being, everyone is having far more fun laughing at you. You cannot possibly believe that you have any long term or meaningful value. Within compassionate circles of the entertainment community, people vacillate between laughing at you and feeling sorry for you because you do not possess the academic capacity to digest how pitiable and disposable you are.

Over 2.5 million people served in Vietnam. There are bets on the table that you could not locate it on a world map. Please do not flatter yourself; Vietnam War veterans could never be represented by your factitious claims that you “started this whole mess about who did what during Vietnam when you brought up that "deserter" nonsense back in January.”
You may want to hand it to President Bush, and claim that he uncovered irregularities in Senator John F. Kerry’s military record. Unlike you, President Bush is a man of great integrity. Unlike you and, now it seems Senator Kerry, George Bush, would never claim another man’s glory or valor. Senator John F. Kerry, tried to pass himself off as a war hero, but thanks to you and your friends, we now know the truth. The truth is that you are apparently the missing link between the Kerry Campaign, the Democratic Party, the 527 PACs supporting Senator Kerry and the misguided, undereducated, misfits who buy into your unintelligible rhetoric.

Your quantum leap of understanding the differences between a BULLET and SHRAPNEL would make a great comic strip. What on earth could you possibly know about shrapnel? I have to hand it to you now, because obviously you have seen Senator John F. Kerry’s wound. Your description of the large, sharp, metal shards ripping open his flesh is something that has not been made public. Thank you for sharing the intimate details of your private life and relationship with Senator John. F. Kerry. It has been duly noted.

Secondly, what point were you attempting to make by questioning the comments Bob Dole directed at Mr. Kerry? Yes, it does happen to be true that though, Sen. Kerry claims that he was wounded three times, he actually "never spilled blood." Perhaps you need to revisit your own statement, and I quote you here, "Dammit, Mr. Kerry, next time you want a purple heart, you better spill some American red blood! And I don't mean a few specks like those on O.J.'s socks -- we want to see a good pint or two of blood for each medal. In fact, I would have preferred that you had bled profusely, a big geyser of blood spewing out of your neck or something!"

Do you believe that your bold faced audacity would be of great comfort to the families of the over 58,000 brave Americans who gave their lives in Vietnam? You have never been WOUNDED! What could you possibly know about wounds, war or service? What do you have to say for yourself?

And thanks, also, for confirming, and I quote you here, “the fact that Mr. Kerry might have actually WOUNDED HIMSELF in order to get those shiny medals. Of course he did! How could the Viet Cong have hit him -- he was on a SWIFT boat! He was going too fast to be hit by enemy fire. He tried to blow himself up three different times just so he could go home and run for President someday. It's all so easy to see, now, what he was up to.”

What would we do without you, Mr. Moore? Criticize you and laugh at you as we do, when it comes to pointing out other men's military records, there is no one who can touch your prowess. Even "The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth” who without your assistance; single-handedly organized, funded and started running those ads, could not have anticipated how Kerry's poll numbers would crash. True within the veteran’s groups, Sen. Kerry has lost 18 points in the last few weeks. What is it about that simple logic that escapes you?

Some people have said "Who are you, Mr. Bush, to attack these brave men considering you yourself have never seen combat -- in fact, you actively sought to avoid it." Mr. Moore, reasonable, decent, educated, accomplished people consider the source when ridiculous statements are made. Please refrain from talking about things you unfortunately could never digest. When you do, your actions merely become more fader for our laughter.

What you fail to understand is that the President’s father did not get him into a unit that would never be sent to Vietnam. President Bush’s Guard duty records have proven his service and very “honorable discharge”. Show us Sen. Kerry's original discharge. Honorable, or counterfeited like his service records signed by John Lehman. I agree with you that cowards like Clinton justify their actions by claiming to be consistent. He and others opposed the war, refused to go, thus making overt statements about their lack of patriotism. Thank you for pointing out that fact.

I can fully appreciate your frustration over Senator Kerry’s claims surrounding the medals he received. Kerry was a man of privilege; he tried to get a deferment so that he could study in Paris. When that failed he concocted his scheme. He joined the Navy, made a very quick turnaround trip to Vietnam and returned to gain points with the American people bragging about how he was getting shot at every day in the Mekong Delta. Ha! Is that the best he could do? If he thinks he is going to impress anyone with the fact that he volunteered to go when he could have spent the Vietnam years on the family yacht, he should think again. That only shows how stupid he was!

True-blue Americans want a President who is honest, and holds integrity in the highest esteem. Not one who knows how to pull strings and work the system and get away with phony claims of heroism and valor. Americans do understand the true character of George W. Bush, and they recognize the genesis of the fantasy life being portrayed by John F. Kerry.

So, to make it up to you, I have written an ad you can produce for all of your friends at and for George Soros personally. People will soon tire of John Kerry’s empty statements, ugly past and hopeless efforts to claim 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue as home. You are going to need some fresh, punchier material. Feel free to use mine:

ANNOUNCER: "When the water bugs were flying all around him in Vietnam, what did John Kerry do? He tried to feed them pieces of the rice he was removing from the self-inflicted wounds to his buttocks. When the bugs refused to eat his butt rice, he Ordered his boat crew to make a swift exit from the area! When he noticed that his Order caused one of his crew to fall out of the boat, he reluctantly returned and 'ordered the man out of the river.' But, as we all know, men don't live in the river -- fish do. John Kerry knows how to tell a big fish tale. What he won't tell you is that when the bugs were landing on his neck, he ducked. If you want a president who will duck out, vote Kerry!

Your references to Max Clelend are cheap and do not merit any response. The veteran communities will be able to offer their response to your despicable use of one of their own to create a platform for your sophomoric attempts to correspond with the President of the United States.

Remember, if the American death toll in Iraq hits 1,000, you need to think about the souls of each one lost and the families morning them, because they, unlike you, Bill Clinton and your love interest, John Kerry, have what it takes to fight a war abroad so that we do not have to fight for our lives at home. Stay consistent, sir, and always, ALWAYS question the veracity of anyone who risks their life for this country. It's what we have come to expect from you.

Susan Moses

P.S. Bravo on receiving the USA Today press credentials to the Republican convention to write a guest column each day next week (Tues.-Fri.). My new puppy will know exactly what to do on every word you attempt to string together.

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