Sunday, August 15, 2004

Reaction to O'Neill and Kerry on Cavett - O

Reaction to the O'Neill/Kerry 1971Cavett Show debate rebroadcast on C-SPAN

Dateline 2004:

On Kerry - He remains the quintessential flipper; the same person he was yesterday, is today and will no doubt be tomorrow. His answers are artfully crafted to evade the questions, deflecting the conversation to his next factious point.

His performance of 33 years ago was well coached on the paltry few points he wanted to keynote and fell flat when faced with substance, facts and evidence.

While his positions change from day to day on policies, his gutless personality has not changed since 1971. He remains the same artful presenter of factitious information; he uses subtle lies based on partial truths, managing to almost completely suppress the personal rage welling within his dark soul when he is confronted by the absolute truth.

On O'Neill – flawless then flawless now.

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