Ok, so they don’t want Jesus in Christmas anymore. Whoever “they” are. They would be the ones who object to nativity scenes, to the Passion of Christ, and to the singing of songs rejoicing in the birth of Jesus Christ. They don’t want plays in schools about the birth of Christ, or songs or any reference to Christianity. It scares them.
Let them have December. I don’t want Christmas in December anymore, and I want to remove Santa Claus from any part of the celebration of Christ’s birth. Let “them” have the Holidays, whatever their Holidays are. Let them keep Santa and December and the frantic rush to spend money that no one has, on things no ones needs, to fulfill some expectation that no one has ever actually defined. If Christians stopped supporting the commercialization and distortion of the sacred Holy day, how would Sears, and Starbucks and the malls survive? Actually, that would not be my problem.
My problem is the ground swell to kill the very reason we celebrate Christmas – hello “it’s about the C H R I S T in Christ MASS.
I vote to move the celebration of Christ’s birth to the spring. The Gospels refer to Jesus birth as occurring shortly before Herod the Great died. History can fix Herod's death with some accuracy. Lunar records reflect an eclipse of the moon just before Herod passed on. The eclipse occurred on March 12th or 13th in 4 B.C. We also know that Herod died just before Passover, which took place on April 11th, in the same year, 4 B.C.
I can visualize some really cool spring celebrations, which could coincide with spring break, so the kids, and grand kids can travel to see gammy and gampa. Spring would provide a more weather friendly time for outings to the fields to see shepherds and sheep, to watch the big sky and embrace the miracle of stars and big lights.
I want to return to the basics, to the essence of the celebration of Christ’s birth. I want to bring back the acknowledgement of heavenly bodies, stars, moons and planets. I would love to frolic in the fields with sheep. Ok, maybe that is taking things a bit too far, but who made our Holy day a commercial spend fest, with a fat guy and flying deer? Why do I have to spend $75 dollars on a dead tree? Why do I have to tip people, who buy the way are probably a part of the “them” group, just because it is Santa Claus day?
No, no, Santa Claus and the ACLU can have December. I want to move the celebration to a time less cluttered with their commercialization. Of course, there will be no more need to have the 24th & 25th of December off, the lines at airport will be significantly reduced, shopping malls will have plenty of parking spots, and no need to sue the schools or cities over nativity scenes, because we will move them to our own special place during the year when it will be obvious who the Christians are. No one will have to pay any attention to our customs and religious celebration. No, anyone who does not wish to be a part of Christmas, can just go about their day, or week, and have December all to themselves.
Thank you, that felt good.
Susan Moses - Beverly Hills, CA
Thursday, December 16, 2004
Monday, November 08, 2004
No More Moore - O
We worked hard and we worked together to assure that our President would serve another four years. Now we need to unite to make sure that the negative energy in Hollywood does not make a mockery of our efforts or the President's role as our CIC.
Today I learned that Hollywood, or more specifically the membership of the Academy of the Motion Picture Arts and Sciences plans to make sure that Fahrenheit 9/11 is nominated for Best Picture and that it will win.
The concept is to use the film to make a statement to America and Washington DC. It is clearly being calculated as a big "up yours America" statement.
There are several things that you can do to assure that your vote is not insulted by the likes of an angry Hollywood and Michael Moore.
First, write to the Academy @:
The Academy Awards are aired on ABC. You can contact
ABC @:
Mailing Address:ABC, Inc. 500 S. Buena Vista Street Burbank, CA 91521-4551or email:netaudr@abc.com
The Academy Awards needs an audience and the audience drives the sponsors. Without sponsors the show can NOT go on.
If Moore's film is nominated, I will not support the Oscars. If he wins, I will not support any company, product or service that sponsored the program. Nor will I support ABC.
Because there is a campaign already in place to "assure" that Moore's film wins, it is blatantly obvious that the entire process is "fixed". It is time to let Hollywood know, in case they have not seen the RED counties, that we the people are not impressed, nor do we feel that they represent us.
Please make sure that your voices are heard, send your emails and letters and pass this email on or some form of a call for action to your blogs, your lists, your email groups .....
Nearly 60 million people voted for George Bush on Nov 2, sending a message to the world. I refuse to permit a handful of whacko liberals to dictate the outcome of an awards program which is designed as a direct insult to my vote.
Thank you for your support.
Today I learned that Hollywood, or more specifically the membership of the Academy of the Motion Picture Arts and Sciences plans to make sure that Fahrenheit 9/11 is nominated for Best Picture and that it will win.
The concept is to use the film to make a statement to America and Washington DC. It is clearly being calculated as a big "up yours America" statement.
There are several things that you can do to assure that your vote is not insulted by the likes of an angry Hollywood and Michael Moore.
First, write to the Academy @:
The Academy Awards are aired on ABC. You can contact
ABC @:
Mailing Address:ABC, Inc. 500 S. Buena Vista Street Burbank, CA 91521-4551or email:netaudr@abc.com
The Academy Awards needs an audience and the audience drives the sponsors. Without sponsors the show can NOT go on.
If Moore's film is nominated, I will not support the Oscars. If he wins, I will not support any company, product or service that sponsored the program. Nor will I support ABC.
Because there is a campaign already in place to "assure" that Moore's film wins, it is blatantly obvious that the entire process is "fixed". It is time to let Hollywood know, in case they have not seen the RED counties, that we the people are not impressed, nor do we feel that they represent us.
Please make sure that your voices are heard, send your emails and letters and pass this email on or some form of a call for action to your blogs, your lists, your email groups .....
Nearly 60 million people voted for George Bush on Nov 2, sending a message to the world. I refuse to permit a handful of whacko liberals to dictate the outcome of an awards program which is designed as a direct insult to my vote.
Thank you for your support.
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
November 3, 2004 - O
Our wonderful veteran brothers and sisters deserve our praise, our deepest admiration and much of the credit for the re-election of President Bush. The truth has set us free.
May God continue to bless their works and the fruits of their hands. We salute the SwiftVets, The Veterans For Truth and the Vietnam Veterans For Truth and the organizers of the KerryLied/Operation Street Corner. Tom Lipscomb and Dan Collier provided unparallelled insights into John Kerry's character. National radio hosts Limbaugh and Hannity were relentless. Many local and regional hosts, like John Ziegler KFI640 Los Angeles, kept their voices and our focus on the central issue of character.
As a result of the information shared by the veteran community, today we are united with the bravest men and women who have given their service, and we stand with those who are engaged in combat. Their sacrifices support the core of our foundation.
God has truly blessed America, may he continue to bring us together as we address the threats and execute the strikes against our enemies.
The work is not over. The organizations are in place. The Bloggers have established a new standard of communication. Our President will need our support during the next four years. Stay the course and keep the focus.
May God continue to bless their works and the fruits of their hands. We salute the SwiftVets, The Veterans For Truth and the Vietnam Veterans For Truth and the organizers of the KerryLied/Operation Street Corner. Tom Lipscomb and Dan Collier provided unparallelled insights into John Kerry's character. National radio hosts Limbaugh and Hannity were relentless. Many local and regional hosts, like John Ziegler KFI640 Los Angeles, kept their voices and our focus on the central issue of character.
As a result of the information shared by the veteran community, today we are united with the bravest men and women who have given their service, and we stand with those who are engaged in combat. Their sacrifices support the core of our foundation.
God has truly blessed America, may he continue to bring us together as we address the threats and execute the strikes against our enemies.
The work is not over. The organizations are in place. The Bloggers have established a new standard of communication. Our President will need our support during the next four years. Stay the course and keep the focus.
Sunday, October 10, 2004
Kerry Bashing Faith? - O
Sunday, October 10th, 2004
The man is totally out of his element!
Today Sen. Kerry offered a judgment of "some people's faith" and faith based motives and actions while attending a church service during his campaign.
He stood before the congregation and media cameras and said that "Some people seem talk about their faith, but do not have the works to support their faith, and faith without works is dead faith." He went on to state that his faith is supported by works.
Is he out of his mind? His statement implies that anyone who does not believe what he does, is wrong in their faith. What on earth is his problem? How can this person sit in judgment over other people? Is he my god?
Do I need to be Christian, Catholic, Jewish? Was he implying that the Muslim faith is wrong?
I can not help but wonder, who is "in" and who is "out" according to John Kerry? Why on earth would a man who is campaigning on the promise to unite, take a direct "hit" on people for their faith based beliefs because they happen to fall outside of the limited parameters of his own?
"Judge not lest ye be judged, Senator." If the America wanted a religious candidate they would have nominated Jesse Jackson.
Am I the only person offended by his hateful statement?
The man is totally out of his element!
Today Sen. Kerry offered a judgment of "some people's faith" and faith based motives and actions while attending a church service during his campaign.
He stood before the congregation and media cameras and said that "Some people seem talk about their faith, but do not have the works to support their faith, and faith without works is dead faith." He went on to state that his faith is supported by works.
Is he out of his mind? His statement implies that anyone who does not believe what he does, is wrong in their faith. What on earth is his problem? How can this person sit in judgment over other people? Is he my god?
Do I need to be Christian, Catholic, Jewish? Was he implying that the Muslim faith is wrong?
I can not help but wonder, who is "in" and who is "out" according to John Kerry? Why on earth would a man who is campaigning on the promise to unite, take a direct "hit" on people for their faith based beliefs because they happen to fall outside of the limited parameters of his own?
"Judge not lest ye be judged, Senator." If the America wanted a religious candidate they would have nominated Jesse Jackson.
Am I the only person offended by his hateful statement?
Saturday, October 09, 2004
Kerry House Humor - O
MORNING – INT. KERRY bedroom 10/09/04. SEN. JOHN F KERRY (JFK) is in a semi-prom position on the chase lounge. He is wearing underwear with large letters across the frontal genital area spelling BUSH w/a large X through the letters. His wife, TERESA HEINZ KERRY is standing in front of a full mirror. She is wearing a shorty-pajama top with bloomer panties. Her panties have large letters across the frontal genital area spelling BUSH w/a large X through the letters.
What are you looking at Jackie?
I wish that you would not call me that.
Ok, what are you looking at my precious?
I’m feeling old, John, I think I need to see a doctor.
Sure, sure, I’ll call little John and get the name of
a good OGBYN.
You mean OBGYN?
Yes, that’s what I said, OGBYN.
John, you clearly said, OGBYN.
I might have misspoken about what I
said but I know that everyone knows
what I meant to say. So if I say OGBYN
or OBGYN it all means that same thing.
Flip flopper
Jackie, let’s change the topic. I am hungry.
How about a nice bowl of fruit loopholes. There are only a few left and you could get rid of them right now before
you are elected.
What are you talking about?
Loopholes. You talk about them all of
the time and how you are going to get rid of them.
Never mind. Did you talk to George today?
And what, John?
Are the rising oil prices secure through November?
Will his hedge fund people keep the pressure
on? I can’t afford to have cheap gas for people.
You know that Jackie.
Look, bush-face, if you call me Jackie again
I am going to call George Soros again, and withdraw
every million I have invested in the oil hedge fund.
I love it when you are sassy. It makes me get warmth in
my blood. Now what about the foreign currency funds? Are you and George keeping an eye on that? It won’t take much to completely crash the US economy, and our investments in foreign currencies will be worth fortunes. More than the Kennedy’s. Finally!
You just keep that long-faced head of yours focused
on getting us into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. My son
is destined to be the President and I need you to keep the way paved for him.
I thought that you wanted it for us, for me?
Let’s be clear. Your Democrat liberal politics
make me sick. Your liberal friends are all freaks.
your “war hero” status has been completely debunked.
On your own you don’t have anything and you have not
accomplished anything.
JFK (interrupting)
Not fair, Jackie!
…….. DON’T interrupt me! You have one last
chance to be of any value to me. If you fail on
November 2nd, you have no value to me, or to
George or to anyone. You might as well assassinate
yourself, so you can make your final dream for glory come true.
Shut up Jackie, you are dangerously close to
taking a ride with Ted to the Chappaquiddick.
Teresa runs toward JFK, leaps and lunges at him, landing squarely on his upper thighs. She is pounding him like a piece of meat being tenderized.
Where is that little shrapnel?
Stop, you are hurting the rice kernel on my leg.
Ok, ok, I promise I will win.
Stopping her attack
How can you be sure? How can you guarantee
me that all of the time and money I have invested
in you so that I can secure my son’s Presidency has
not been in vain.
Easy, easy Jackie. We will do it the old fashioned
Kennedy, Clinton machine way – CHEAT!
The End
written and created by:Susan Kay Moses
a.k.a. Grandma Moses
What are you looking at Jackie?
I wish that you would not call me that.
Ok, what are you looking at my precious?
I’m feeling old, John, I think I need to see a doctor.
Sure, sure, I’ll call little John and get the name of
a good OGBYN.
You mean OBGYN?
Yes, that’s what I said, OGBYN.
John, you clearly said, OGBYN.
I might have misspoken about what I
said but I know that everyone knows
what I meant to say. So if I say OGBYN
or OBGYN it all means that same thing.
Flip flopper
Jackie, let’s change the topic. I am hungry.
How about a nice bowl of fruit loopholes. There are only a few left and you could get rid of them right now before
you are elected.
What are you talking about?
Loopholes. You talk about them all of
the time and how you are going to get rid of them.
Never mind. Did you talk to George today?
And what, John?
Are the rising oil prices secure through November?
Will his hedge fund people keep the pressure
on? I can’t afford to have cheap gas for people.
You know that Jackie.
Look, bush-face, if you call me Jackie again
I am going to call George Soros again, and withdraw
every million I have invested in the oil hedge fund.
I love it when you are sassy. It makes me get warmth in
my blood. Now what about the foreign currency funds? Are you and George keeping an eye on that? It won’t take much to completely crash the US economy, and our investments in foreign currencies will be worth fortunes. More than the Kennedy’s. Finally!
You just keep that long-faced head of yours focused
on getting us into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. My son
is destined to be the President and I need you to keep the way paved for him.
I thought that you wanted it for us, for me?
Let’s be clear. Your Democrat liberal politics
make me sick. Your liberal friends are all freaks.
your “war hero” status has been completely debunked.
On your own you don’t have anything and you have not
accomplished anything.
JFK (interrupting)
Not fair, Jackie!
…….. DON’T interrupt me! You have one last
chance to be of any value to me. If you fail on
November 2nd, you have no value to me, or to
George or to anyone. You might as well assassinate
yourself, so you can make your final dream for glory come true.
Shut up Jackie, you are dangerously close to
taking a ride with Ted to the Chappaquiddick.
Teresa runs toward JFK, leaps and lunges at him, landing squarely on his upper thighs. She is pounding him like a piece of meat being tenderized.
Where is that little shrapnel?
Stop, you are hurting the rice kernel on my leg.
Ok, ok, I promise I will win.
Stopping her attack
How can you be sure? How can you guarantee
me that all of the time and money I have invested
in you so that I can secure my son’s Presidency has
not been in vain.
Easy, easy Jackie. We will do it the old fashioned
Kennedy, Clinton machine way – CHEAT!
The End
written and created by:Susan Kay Moses
a.k.a. Grandma Moses
Wednesday, October 06, 2004
10/06/04 - Post Debate - O
Is Dick Cheney a liability for President Bush? Yes, if one considers the possibility that George Bush does not wish to be re-elected.
During tonight's debate, Sen. Edwards looked like a self indulgent, spoiled, adolescent. He was out leagued, out classed and outted in general as a fraud.
I live in Beverly Hills, I have worked in entertainment for over 20 years and I am disgusted by the lack of focus, the lack of integrity, and the lack of fair play that the Kerry camp and the media have displayed during this election year. I am ashamed of the media thugs like Michael Moore and Dan Rather. They are not credible and they do not represent decent, mainstream, concerned Americans. They certainly do not represent me.
When Sen. Edwards stated on ABC's Nightline that any person living in America who would vote for George Bush must be out of their mind, I was shocked. Consider that somewhere between 45-55% of Americans fall into that category. Edwards single-handedly insulted approximately 50% of the American people. His reckless statement reinforces a negative image of Americans around the world.
His careless statement is reminiscent of Michael Moore's rhetoric while touring Europe on behalf of his little movie. Trashing the American spirit, free speech and free choice is not a quality requisite for successful foreign policies or domestic harmony. Vice President Cheney displayed a sense of self restraint and diplomacy that amplified Sen. Edwards' lack of seasoning and minimal experience.
I don't need a poll to determine my mindset for November 2nd, 2004. I want a secure America, and a strong economy. I do believe that we did the right thing by going into Iraq prior to taking on the additional challenges of other terrorist sponsoring nations. War is bad and it comes with a menu of difficult consequences. The alternative to invading Iraq is not one I wish to experience. The potential costs to Americans of not going to war far outweigh the costs of being there. Failure to recognize the realities of today's geopolitical arena is a byproduct of poor media communications and a lack of willingness on the part of some people to accept the fact that Americans are targets because we are free. Freedom is the target.
I know that hair matters and style is key, but a tan in a can and hair to go will not keep a terrorist from bombing a school or a dam or a subway ..... Sen. Edwards can save his slick wily style for the jury box closing statement. Americans are not buying his cotton candy and they don't trust John Kerry's duplicitous standards and his positions of convenience. I support George Bush and Dick Cheney because I believe that they will remain resolved to keeping our enemy at checkmate and eventually to eliminating him wherever he is no matter what it takes. The sacrifice is great, but there is no other viable option if we are to remain free.
During tonight's debate, Sen. Edwards looked like a self indulgent, spoiled, adolescent. He was out leagued, out classed and outted in general as a fraud.
I live in Beverly Hills, I have worked in entertainment for over 20 years and I am disgusted by the lack of focus, the lack of integrity, and the lack of fair play that the Kerry camp and the media have displayed during this election year. I am ashamed of the media thugs like Michael Moore and Dan Rather. They are not credible and they do not represent decent, mainstream, concerned Americans. They certainly do not represent me.
When Sen. Edwards stated on ABC's Nightline that any person living in America who would vote for George Bush must be out of their mind, I was shocked. Consider that somewhere between 45-55% of Americans fall into that category. Edwards single-handedly insulted approximately 50% of the American people. His reckless statement reinforces a negative image of Americans around the world.
His careless statement is reminiscent of Michael Moore's rhetoric while touring Europe on behalf of his little movie. Trashing the American spirit, free speech and free choice is not a quality requisite for successful foreign policies or domestic harmony. Vice President Cheney displayed a sense of self restraint and diplomacy that amplified Sen. Edwards' lack of seasoning and minimal experience.
I don't need a poll to determine my mindset for November 2nd, 2004. I want a secure America, and a strong economy. I do believe that we did the right thing by going into Iraq prior to taking on the additional challenges of other terrorist sponsoring nations. War is bad and it comes with a menu of difficult consequences. The alternative to invading Iraq is not one I wish to experience. The potential costs to Americans of not going to war far outweigh the costs of being there. Failure to recognize the realities of today's geopolitical arena is a byproduct of poor media communications and a lack of willingness on the part of some people to accept the fact that Americans are targets because we are free. Freedom is the target.
I know that hair matters and style is key, but a tan in a can and hair to go will not keep a terrorist from bombing a school or a dam or a subway ..... Sen. Edwards can save his slick wily style for the jury box closing statement. Americans are not buying his cotton candy and they don't trust John Kerry's duplicitous standards and his positions of convenience. I support George Bush and Dick Cheney because I believe that they will remain resolved to keeping our enemy at checkmate and eventually to eliminating him wherever he is no matter what it takes. The sacrifice is great, but there is no other viable option if we are to remain free.
Thursday, September 02, 2004
Michael Moore Wannabe Warrior - O
September 1st, 2004 10:14 pm
Michael Moore Wannabe Warrior – by Susan Moses
In response to Michael Moore in / USA Today
BEVERLY HILLS, CA — Poor Michael Moore.
Here's a guy people could sort of like, in the same way one could observe the curious and amusing behavior of a barnyard goat. He is not a courageous war hero, or bright or even interesting, but he seems to enjoy having been reduced to carrying a bedpan for the Kerry campaign.
So it was Monday night as the barnyard creature waddled into the press section at the Republican National Convention— unimportant to Sen. McCain — Moore was awestruck as the Senator seamlessly switched from the delivery of his eloquent speech to a pointed commentary about Moore’s disingenuousness. By Moore’s whimpering account, “Out of nowhere, he (McCain) began to attack my movie, Fahrenheit 9/11, calling me a disingenuous filmmaker. The problem is, he hasn't seen the movie, a fact he later admitted to Chris Matthews on MSNBC.” Of course Senator McCain has not seen Moore’s film. It is remarkable that Moore would find that information anomalous.
The barnyard idiot thinks that Republicans are mad that his little movie may have convinced people to tip the balance in November. Moore’s claim that Saddam's Iraq was an "oasis of peace" has certainly tipped the balance as demonstrated within the last week by the extremists in Russia, Jerusalem and his new second home, France. Some of the 20 million who have allegedly seen his “thing called film” must be celebrating the truths about terrorism revealed by Moore in contrast to the actual events unfolding around the world.
Yet with all the serious issues facing our nation, Moore would rather write about Goobers, a mosh pit at a Slayer concert and Beavis and Butthead. He would focus on the faces of Iraqi people fearing their death, but not at the hands of the man who persecuted them. No, Moore has rewritten history to spur his bank account. He believes that portraying revisionist history on video is a documentary and apparently there are millions of unfortunates who would follow him and newspapers ready to champion him in print. Even more pedantic than his “thing called film” are his attempts at the written word. Middle school boys scribbling notes from summer camp are better equipped.
Senator McCain stood solidly on the stage as he addressed his audience. While Michael Moore would prefer to wallow in a cesspit of negativity, America honors Senator McCain for his service and the sacrifice he made during his five and a half years in a North Vietnamese POW camp. If there is any question of sanity the world must turn to Michael Moore just as the convention audience did on Monday night.
In response to Senator McCains comments about Moore's rediculous movie, thousands of Republicans, Democrats and Independents turned to him chanting "four more years." Obviously failing at simple math, Moore held up two fingers, uttered some gibberish and made the “L” sign with his hand. His pathetic display drove the delegates and invited guests into a frenzy of laughter at the antics of the misfit. "L" is the international sign for loser. Moore must be the only remaining person not to have realized that he has become the biggest loser. After he left the convention floor, he cried, “If you have never had this happen to you, I insist you try it at least once in your life.”
The fact that Senator McCain has elected to stand proudly with the President, offering to soldier with him, is a difficult fact for Moore to digest, and there are not many things that the barnyard goat will not digest. Michael Moore wants to devour everyone who does not abide by his brand of anti-American speechifying. The problem with him is that he turns any good thing into crap. He leaves a trail of it behind him as he carries on the bidding of the Democratic Party, George Soros and Moveon.org.
How does Bush's campaign treat Michael Moore? Like it or not he is a citizen of this great nation. He enjoys free speech, and the ability to move freely in and out of the convention hall. He is limited in his actions only by the law. No one within the President’s campaign demanded that his film be censured, pulled from theatres or limited in any way. Chris Matthews said a main point of Moore’s movie was that "war is often fought by people without power." Perhaps the point of the “thing called film” is actually the filmmaker’s self-reflection.
Michael Moore is a powerless, pointless individual who does battle in his own imaginary war each day to stay alive beyond his fading fifteen minutes of fame. One day he will see brave soldiers face another camera and tell the truth to the American people about what is going on in a place called Iraq. On that day he and Senator Kerry can compare notes on the net result of revisionist history. Agghh!
Michael Moore Wannabe Warrior – by Susan Moses
In response to Michael Moore in / USA Today
BEVERLY HILLS, CA — Poor Michael Moore.
Here's a guy people could sort of like, in the same way one could observe the curious and amusing behavior of a barnyard goat. He is not a courageous war hero, or bright or even interesting, but he seems to enjoy having been reduced to carrying a bedpan for the Kerry campaign.
So it was Monday night as the barnyard creature waddled into the press section at the Republican National Convention— unimportant to Sen. McCain — Moore was awestruck as the Senator seamlessly switched from the delivery of his eloquent speech to a pointed commentary about Moore’s disingenuousness. By Moore’s whimpering account, “Out of nowhere, he (McCain) began to attack my movie, Fahrenheit 9/11, calling me a disingenuous filmmaker. The problem is, he hasn't seen the movie, a fact he later admitted to Chris Matthews on MSNBC.” Of course Senator McCain has not seen Moore’s film. It is remarkable that Moore would find that information anomalous.
The barnyard idiot thinks that Republicans are mad that his little movie may have convinced people to tip the balance in November. Moore’s claim that Saddam's Iraq was an "oasis of peace" has certainly tipped the balance as demonstrated within the last week by the extremists in Russia, Jerusalem and his new second home, France. Some of the 20 million who have allegedly seen his “thing called film” must be celebrating the truths about terrorism revealed by Moore in contrast to the actual events unfolding around the world.
Yet with all the serious issues facing our nation, Moore would rather write about Goobers, a mosh pit at a Slayer concert and Beavis and Butthead. He would focus on the faces of Iraqi people fearing their death, but not at the hands of the man who persecuted them. No, Moore has rewritten history to spur his bank account. He believes that portraying revisionist history on video is a documentary and apparently there are millions of unfortunates who would follow him and newspapers ready to champion him in print. Even more pedantic than his “thing called film” are his attempts at the written word. Middle school boys scribbling notes from summer camp are better equipped.
Senator McCain stood solidly on the stage as he addressed his audience. While Michael Moore would prefer to wallow in a cesspit of negativity, America honors Senator McCain for his service and the sacrifice he made during his five and a half years in a North Vietnamese POW camp. If there is any question of sanity the world must turn to Michael Moore just as the convention audience did on Monday night.
In response to Senator McCains comments about Moore's rediculous movie, thousands of Republicans, Democrats and Independents turned to him chanting "four more years." Obviously failing at simple math, Moore held up two fingers, uttered some gibberish and made the “L” sign with his hand. His pathetic display drove the delegates and invited guests into a frenzy of laughter at the antics of the misfit. "L" is the international sign for loser. Moore must be the only remaining person not to have realized that he has become the biggest loser. After he left the convention floor, he cried, “If you have never had this happen to you, I insist you try it at least once in your life.”
The fact that Senator McCain has elected to stand proudly with the President, offering to soldier with him, is a difficult fact for Moore to digest, and there are not many things that the barnyard goat will not digest. Michael Moore wants to devour everyone who does not abide by his brand of anti-American speechifying. The problem with him is that he turns any good thing into crap. He leaves a trail of it behind him as he carries on the bidding of the Democratic Party, George Soros and Moveon.org.
How does Bush's campaign treat Michael Moore? Like it or not he is a citizen of this great nation. He enjoys free speech, and the ability to move freely in and out of the convention hall. He is limited in his actions only by the law. No one within the President’s campaign demanded that his film be censured, pulled from theatres or limited in any way. Chris Matthews said a main point of Moore’s movie was that "war is often fought by people without power." Perhaps the point of the “thing called film” is actually the filmmaker’s self-reflection.
Michael Moore is a powerless, pointless individual who does battle in his own imaginary war each day to stay alive beyond his fading fifteen minutes of fame. One day he will see brave soldiers face another camera and tell the truth to the American people about what is going on in a place called Iraq. On that day he and Senator Kerry can compare notes on the net result of revisionist history. Agghh!
Sunday, August 29, 2004
Moore on 527s - O
Has anyone examined and exposed the connection between Michael Moore, the 527s, the Kerry Campaign, the Democratic party, the Clintons, Soros and other people within the Kerry web?
He attends 527 fund raisers, he sat next to Jimmy Carter at the DNC, he flaunts his Hollywood connections, all of whom hate President Bush and now he has a press credential from USA Today to attend the RNC.
Someone needs to remind him that while he is pointing his fat finger at George Bush, four are pointing back at him.
He attends 527 fund raisers, he sat next to Jimmy Carter at the DNC, he flaunts his Hollywood connections, all of whom hate President Bush and now he has a press credential from USA Today to attend the RNC.
Someone needs to remind him that while he is pointing his fat finger at George Bush, four are pointing back at him.
Michael Moore's Open Letter to the President
August 26, 2004
It Takes Real Courage to Desert Your Post and Then Attack a Wounded Vet
Dear Mr. Bush,
I know you and I have had our differences in the past, and I realize I am the one who started this whole mess about "who did what" during Vietnam when I brought up that "deserter" nonsense back in January. But I have to hand it to you on what you have uncovered about John Kerry and his record in Vietnam. Kerry has tried to pass himself off as a war hero, but thanks to you and your friends, we now know the truth.
First of all, thank you for pointing out to all of us that Mr. Kerry was never struck by a BULLET. It was only SHRAPNEL that entered his body! I did not know that! Hell, what's the big deal about a bunch of large, sharp, metal shards ripping open your flesh? That happens to all of us! In my opinion, if you want a purple heart, you'd better be hit by a bullet -- with your name on it!
Secondly, thank you for sending Bob Dole out there and letting us know that Mr. Kerry, though wounded three times, actually "never spilled blood." When you are in the debates with Kerry, turn to him and say, "Dammit, Mr. Kerry, next time you want a purple heart, you better spill some American red blood! And I don't mean a few specks like those on O.J.'s socks -- we want to see a good pint or two of blood for each medal. In fact, I would have preferred that you had bled profusely, a big geyser of blood spewing out of your neck or something!" Then throw this one at him: "Senator Kerry, over 58,000 brave Americans gave their lives in Vietnam -- but YOU didn't. You only got WOUNDED! What do you have to say for yourself???" Lay that one on him and he won't know what to do.
And thanks, also, Mr. Bush, for exposing the fact that Mr. Kerry might have actually WOUNDED HIMSELF in order to get those shiny medals. Of course he did! How could the Viet Cong have hit him -- he was on a SWIFT boat! He was going too fast to be hit by enemy fire. He tried to blow himself up three different times just so he could go home and run for president someday. It's all so easy to see, now, what he was up to.
What would we do without you, Mr. Bush? Criticize you as we might, when it comes to pointing out other men's military records, there is no one who can touch your prowess. In 2000, you let out the rumor that your opponent John McCain might be "nuts" from the 5 years he spent in a POW camp. Then, in the 2002 elections, your team compared triple-amputee Sen. Max Cleland to Osama bin Laden, and that cost him the election. And now you are having the same impact on war hero John Kerry. Since you (oops, I mean "The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth!") started running those ads, Kerry's poll numbers have dropped (with veterans, he has lost 18 points in the last few weeks).
Some people have said "Who are you, Mr. Bush, to attack these brave men considering you yourself have never seen combat -- in fact, you actively sought to avoid it." What your critics fail to understand is that even though your dad got you into a unit that would never be sent to Vietnam -- and even though you didn't show up for Guard duty for at least a year -- at least you were still IN FAVOR of the Vietnam War! Cowards like Clinton felt it was more important to be consistent (he opposed the war, thus he refused to go) than to be patriotic and two-faced.
The reason that I think you know so much about other men's war wounds is because, during your time in the Texas Air National Guard, you suffered so many of them yourself. Consider the paper cut you received on September 22, 1972, while stationed in Alabama, working on a Senate campaign for your dad's friend (when you were supposed to be on the Guard base). A campaign brochure appeared from nowhere, ambushing your right index finger, and blood trickled out onto your brand new argyle sweater.
Then there was the incident with the Crazy Glue when your fraternity brothers visited you one weekend at the base and glued your lips together while you were "passed out." Though initially considered "friendly fire," it was later ruled that you suffered severe post traumatic stress disorder from the assault and required certain medicinal attention -- which, it seems, was provided by those same fraternity brethren.
But nothing matched your heroism when, on July 2, 1969, you sustained a massive head injury when enemy combatants from another Guard unit dropped a keg of Coors on your head during a reconnaissance mission at a nearby all-girls college. Fortunately, the cool, smooth fluids that poured out of the keg were exactly what was needed to revive you.
That you never got a purple heart for any of these incidents is a shame. I can fully appreciate your anger at Senator Kerry for the three he received. I mean, Kerry was a man of privilege, he could have gotten out just like you. Instead, he thinks he's going to gain points with the American people bragging about how he was getting shot at every day in the Mekong Delta. Ha! Is that the best he can do? Hell, I hear gunfire every night outside my apartment window! If he thinks he is going to impress anyone with the fact that he volunteered to go when he could have spent the Vietnam years on the family yacht, he should think again. That only shows how stupid he was! True-blue Americans want a president who knows how to pull strings and work the system and get away with doing as little work as possible!
So, to make it up to you, I have written some new ads you can use on TV. People will soon tire of the swift boat veterans and you are going to need some fresh, punchier material. Feel free to use any of these:
ANNOUNCER: "When the bullets were flying all around him in Vietnam, what did John Kerry do? He said he leaned over the boat and 'pulled a man out of the river.' But, as we all know, men don't live in the river -- fish do. John Kerry knows how to tell a big fish tale. What he won't tell you is that when the enemy was shooting at him, he ducked. Do you want a president who will duck? Vote Bush."
ANNOUNCER: "Mr. Kerry's biggest supporter, Sen. Max Cleland, claims to have lost two legs and an arm in Vietnam. But he still has one arm! How did that happen? One word: Cowardice. When duty called, he was unwilling to give his last limb. Is that the type of selfishness you want hanging out in the White House? We think not. Vote for the man who would be willing to give America his right frontal lobe. Vote Bush."
Hope these help, Mr. Bush. And remember, when the American death toll in Iraq hits 1,000 during the Republican convention, be sure to question whether those who died really did indeed "die" -- or were they just trying to get their faces on CNN's nightly tribute to fallen heroes? The sixteen who've died so far this week were probably working hand in hand with the Kerry campaign to ruin your good time in New York. Stay consistent, sir, and always, ALWAYS question the veracity of anyone who risks their life for this country. It's the least they deserve.
Michael Moore
P.S. George, I know you said you don't read the newspaper, but USA Today has given me credentials to the Republican convention to write a guest column each day next week (Tues.-Fri.). If you don't want to read it, you and I will be in the same building so maybe I could come by and read it to you? Lemme know...
It Takes Real Courage to Desert Your Post and Then Attack a Wounded Vet
Dear Mr. Bush,
I know you and I have had our differences in the past, and I realize I am the one who started this whole mess about "who did what" during Vietnam when I brought up that "deserter" nonsense back in January. But I have to hand it to you on what you have uncovered about John Kerry and his record in Vietnam. Kerry has tried to pass himself off as a war hero, but thanks to you and your friends, we now know the truth.
First of all, thank you for pointing out to all of us that Mr. Kerry was never struck by a BULLET. It was only SHRAPNEL that entered his body! I did not know that! Hell, what's the big deal about a bunch of large, sharp, metal shards ripping open your flesh? That happens to all of us! In my opinion, if you want a purple heart, you'd better be hit by a bullet -- with your name on it!
Secondly, thank you for sending Bob Dole out there and letting us know that Mr. Kerry, though wounded three times, actually "never spilled blood." When you are in the debates with Kerry, turn to him and say, "Dammit, Mr. Kerry, next time you want a purple heart, you better spill some American red blood! And I don't mean a few specks like those on O.J.'s socks -- we want to see a good pint or two of blood for each medal. In fact, I would have preferred that you had bled profusely, a big geyser of blood spewing out of your neck or something!" Then throw this one at him: "Senator Kerry, over 58,000 brave Americans gave their lives in Vietnam -- but YOU didn't. You only got WOUNDED! What do you have to say for yourself???" Lay that one on him and he won't know what to do.
And thanks, also, Mr. Bush, for exposing the fact that Mr. Kerry might have actually WOUNDED HIMSELF in order to get those shiny medals. Of course he did! How could the Viet Cong have hit him -- he was on a SWIFT boat! He was going too fast to be hit by enemy fire. He tried to blow himself up three different times just so he could go home and run for president someday. It's all so easy to see, now, what he was up to.
What would we do without you, Mr. Bush? Criticize you as we might, when it comes to pointing out other men's military records, there is no one who can touch your prowess. In 2000, you let out the rumor that your opponent John McCain might be "nuts" from the 5 years he spent in a POW camp. Then, in the 2002 elections, your team compared triple-amputee Sen. Max Cleland to Osama bin Laden, and that cost him the election. And now you are having the same impact on war hero John Kerry. Since you (oops, I mean "The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth!") started running those ads, Kerry's poll numbers have dropped (with veterans, he has lost 18 points in the last few weeks).
Some people have said "Who are you, Mr. Bush, to attack these brave men considering you yourself have never seen combat -- in fact, you actively sought to avoid it." What your critics fail to understand is that even though your dad got you into a unit that would never be sent to Vietnam -- and even though you didn't show up for Guard duty for at least a year -- at least you were still IN FAVOR of the Vietnam War! Cowards like Clinton felt it was more important to be consistent (he opposed the war, thus he refused to go) than to be patriotic and two-faced.
The reason that I think you know so much about other men's war wounds is because, during your time in the Texas Air National Guard, you suffered so many of them yourself. Consider the paper cut you received on September 22, 1972, while stationed in Alabama, working on a Senate campaign for your dad's friend (when you were supposed to be on the Guard base). A campaign brochure appeared from nowhere, ambushing your right index finger, and blood trickled out onto your brand new argyle sweater.
Then there was the incident with the Crazy Glue when your fraternity brothers visited you one weekend at the base and glued your lips together while you were "passed out." Though initially considered "friendly fire," it was later ruled that you suffered severe post traumatic stress disorder from the assault and required certain medicinal attention -- which, it seems, was provided by those same fraternity brethren.
But nothing matched your heroism when, on July 2, 1969, you sustained a massive head injury when enemy combatants from another Guard unit dropped a keg of Coors on your head during a reconnaissance mission at a nearby all-girls college. Fortunately, the cool, smooth fluids that poured out of the keg were exactly what was needed to revive you.
That you never got a purple heart for any of these incidents is a shame. I can fully appreciate your anger at Senator Kerry for the three he received. I mean, Kerry was a man of privilege, he could have gotten out just like you. Instead, he thinks he's going to gain points with the American people bragging about how he was getting shot at every day in the Mekong Delta. Ha! Is that the best he can do? Hell, I hear gunfire every night outside my apartment window! If he thinks he is going to impress anyone with the fact that he volunteered to go when he could have spent the Vietnam years on the family yacht, he should think again. That only shows how stupid he was! True-blue Americans want a president who knows how to pull strings and work the system and get away with doing as little work as possible!
So, to make it up to you, I have written some new ads you can use on TV. People will soon tire of the swift boat veterans and you are going to need some fresh, punchier material. Feel free to use any of these:
ANNOUNCER: "When the bullets were flying all around him in Vietnam, what did John Kerry do? He said he leaned over the boat and 'pulled a man out of the river.' But, as we all know, men don't live in the river -- fish do. John Kerry knows how to tell a big fish tale. What he won't tell you is that when the enemy was shooting at him, he ducked. Do you want a president who will duck? Vote Bush."
ANNOUNCER: "Mr. Kerry's biggest supporter, Sen. Max Cleland, claims to have lost two legs and an arm in Vietnam. But he still has one arm! How did that happen? One word: Cowardice. When duty called, he was unwilling to give his last limb. Is that the type of selfishness you want hanging out in the White House? We think not. Vote for the man who would be willing to give America his right frontal lobe. Vote Bush."
Hope these help, Mr. Bush. And remember, when the American death toll in Iraq hits 1,000 during the Republican convention, be sure to question whether those who died really did indeed "die" -- or were they just trying to get their faces on CNN's nightly tribute to fallen heroes? The sixteen who've died so far this week were probably working hand in hand with the Kerry campaign to ruin your good time in New York. Stay consistent, sir, and always, ALWAYS question the veracity of anyone who risks their life for this country. It's the least they deserve.
Michael Moore
P.S. George, I know you said you don't read the newspaper, but USA Today has given me credentials to the Republican convention to write a guest column each day next week (Tues.-Fri.). If you don't want to read it, you and I will be in the same building so maybe I could come by and read it to you? Lemme know...
Response to Moore's Letter to the President - O
It Takes No Courage to Sell Your Soul and Then Demean All Veterans
Dear Mr. Moore:
You have made your differences with conservative America and the Bush administration quite apparent. Your laughable attempts at filmmaking have reflected not only your modest intellectual capacity; they would be an embarrassing addition to a legitimate filmography. You alone appear to be unaware that the joke, the valid and final laugh, is actually on you. The Kerry campaign, George Soros, the Clintons, Moveon.org, and many other fringe groups saw you coming long before you knew the meaning of the word pawn. Buying you was the cheapest (how fitting) second hand, thrift shop purchase the card-carrying members of Hollywood could have made. If you believe that behind closed doors, you are actually an icon inside the inner circle, grow up. For the time being, everyone is having far more fun laughing at you. You cannot possibly believe that you have any long term or meaningful value. Within compassionate circles of the entertainment community, people vacillate between laughing at you and feeling sorry for you because you do not possess the academic capacity to digest how pitiable and disposable you are.
Over 2.5 million people served in Vietnam. There are bets on the table that you could not locate it on a world map. Please do not flatter yourself; Vietnam War veterans could never be represented by your factitious claims that you “started this whole mess about who did what during Vietnam when you brought up that "deserter" nonsense back in January.”
You may want to hand it to President Bush, and claim that he uncovered irregularities in Senator John F. Kerry’s military record. Unlike you, President Bush is a man of great integrity. Unlike you and, now it seems Senator Kerry, George Bush, would never claim another man’s glory or valor. Senator John F. Kerry, tried to pass himself off as a war hero, but thanks to you and your friends, we now know the truth. The truth is that you are apparently the missing link between the Kerry Campaign, the Democratic Party, the 527 PACs supporting Senator Kerry and the misguided, undereducated, misfits who buy into your unintelligible rhetoric.
Your quantum leap of understanding the differences between a BULLET and SHRAPNEL would make a great comic strip. What on earth could you possibly know about shrapnel? I have to hand it to you now, because obviously you have seen Senator John F. Kerry’s wound. Your description of the large, sharp, metal shards ripping open his flesh is something that has not been made public. Thank you for sharing the intimate details of your private life and relationship with Senator John. F. Kerry. It has been duly noted.
Secondly, what point were you attempting to make by questioning the comments Bob Dole directed at Mr. Kerry? Yes, it does happen to be true that though, Sen. Kerry claims that he was wounded three times, he actually "never spilled blood." Perhaps you need to revisit your own statement, and I quote you here, "Dammit, Mr. Kerry, next time you want a purple heart, you better spill some American red blood! And I don't mean a few specks like those on O.J.'s socks -- we want to see a good pint or two of blood for each medal. In fact, I would have preferred that you had bled profusely, a big geyser of blood spewing out of your neck or something!"
Do you believe that your bold faced audacity would be of great comfort to the families of the over 58,000 brave Americans who gave their lives in Vietnam? You have never been WOUNDED! What could you possibly know about wounds, war or service? What do you have to say for yourself?
And thanks, also, for confirming, and I quote you here, “the fact that Mr. Kerry might have actually WOUNDED HIMSELF in order to get those shiny medals. Of course he did! How could the Viet Cong have hit him -- he was on a SWIFT boat! He was going too fast to be hit by enemy fire. He tried to blow himself up three different times just so he could go home and run for President someday. It's all so easy to see, now, what he was up to.”
What would we do without you, Mr. Moore? Criticize you and laugh at you as we do, when it comes to pointing out other men's military records, there is no one who can touch your prowess. Even "The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth” who without your assistance; single-handedly organized, funded and started running those ads, could not have anticipated how Kerry's poll numbers would crash. True within the veteran’s groups, Sen. Kerry has lost 18 points in the last few weeks. What is it about that simple logic that escapes you?
Some people have said "Who are you, Mr. Bush, to attack these brave men considering you yourself have never seen combat -- in fact, you actively sought to avoid it." Mr. Moore, reasonable, decent, educated, accomplished people consider the source when ridiculous statements are made. Please refrain from talking about things you unfortunately could never digest. When you do, your actions merely become more fader for our laughter.
What you fail to understand is that the President’s father did not get him into a unit that would never be sent to Vietnam. President Bush’s Guard duty records have proven his service and very “honorable discharge”. Show us Sen. Kerry's original discharge. Honorable, or counterfeited like his service records signed by John Lehman. I agree with you that cowards like Clinton justify their actions by claiming to be consistent. He and others opposed the war, refused to go, thus making overt statements about their lack of patriotism. Thank you for pointing out that fact.
I can fully appreciate your frustration over Senator Kerry’s claims surrounding the medals he received. Kerry was a man of privilege; he tried to get a deferment so that he could study in Paris. When that failed he concocted his scheme. He joined the Navy, made a very quick turnaround trip to Vietnam and returned to gain points with the American people bragging about how he was getting shot at every day in the Mekong Delta. Ha! Is that the best he could do? If he thinks he is going to impress anyone with the fact that he volunteered to go when he could have spent the Vietnam years on the family yacht, he should think again. That only shows how stupid he was!
True-blue Americans want a President who is honest, and holds integrity in the highest esteem. Not one who knows how to pull strings and work the system and get away with phony claims of heroism and valor. Americans do understand the true character of George W. Bush, and they recognize the genesis of the fantasy life being portrayed by John F. Kerry.
So, to make it up to you, I have written an ad you can produce for all of your friends at Moveon.org and for George Soros personally. People will soon tire of John Kerry’s empty statements, ugly past and hopeless efforts to claim 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue as home. You are going to need some fresh, punchier material. Feel free to use mine:
ANNOUNCER: "When the water bugs were flying all around him in Vietnam, what did John Kerry do? He tried to feed them pieces of the rice he was removing from the self-inflicted wounds to his buttocks. When the bugs refused to eat his butt rice, he Ordered his boat crew to make a swift exit from the area! When he noticed that his Order caused one of his crew to fall out of the boat, he reluctantly returned and 'ordered the man out of the river.' But, as we all know, men don't live in the river -- fish do. John Kerry knows how to tell a big fish tale. What he won't tell you is that when the bugs were landing on his neck, he ducked. If you want a president who will duck out, vote Kerry!
Your references to Max Clelend are cheap and do not merit any response. The veteran communities will be able to offer their response to your despicable use of one of their own to create a platform for your sophomoric attempts to correspond with the President of the United States.
Remember, if the American death toll in Iraq hits 1,000, you need to think about the souls of each one lost and the families morning them, because they, unlike you, Bill Clinton and your love interest, John Kerry, have what it takes to fight a war abroad so that we do not have to fight for our lives at home. Stay consistent, sir, and always, ALWAYS question the veracity of anyone who risks their life for this country. It's what we have come to expect from you.
Susan Moses
P.S. Bravo on receiving the USA Today press credentials to the Republican convention to write a guest column each day next week (Tues.-Fri.). My new puppy will know exactly what to do on every word you attempt to string together.
Dear Mr. Moore:
You have made your differences with conservative America and the Bush administration quite apparent. Your laughable attempts at filmmaking have reflected not only your modest intellectual capacity; they would be an embarrassing addition to a legitimate filmography. You alone appear to be unaware that the joke, the valid and final laugh, is actually on you. The Kerry campaign, George Soros, the Clintons, Moveon.org, and many other fringe groups saw you coming long before you knew the meaning of the word pawn. Buying you was the cheapest (how fitting) second hand, thrift shop purchase the card-carrying members of Hollywood could have made. If you believe that behind closed doors, you are actually an icon inside the inner circle, grow up. For the time being, everyone is having far more fun laughing at you. You cannot possibly believe that you have any long term or meaningful value. Within compassionate circles of the entertainment community, people vacillate between laughing at you and feeling sorry for you because you do not possess the academic capacity to digest how pitiable and disposable you are.
Over 2.5 million people served in Vietnam. There are bets on the table that you could not locate it on a world map. Please do not flatter yourself; Vietnam War veterans could never be represented by your factitious claims that you “started this whole mess about who did what during Vietnam when you brought up that "deserter" nonsense back in January.”
You may want to hand it to President Bush, and claim that he uncovered irregularities in Senator John F. Kerry’s military record. Unlike you, President Bush is a man of great integrity. Unlike you and, now it seems Senator Kerry, George Bush, would never claim another man’s glory or valor. Senator John F. Kerry, tried to pass himself off as a war hero, but thanks to you and your friends, we now know the truth. The truth is that you are apparently the missing link between the Kerry Campaign, the Democratic Party, the 527 PACs supporting Senator Kerry and the misguided, undereducated, misfits who buy into your unintelligible rhetoric.
Your quantum leap of understanding the differences between a BULLET and SHRAPNEL would make a great comic strip. What on earth could you possibly know about shrapnel? I have to hand it to you now, because obviously you have seen Senator John F. Kerry’s wound. Your description of the large, sharp, metal shards ripping open his flesh is something that has not been made public. Thank you for sharing the intimate details of your private life and relationship with Senator John. F. Kerry. It has been duly noted.
Secondly, what point were you attempting to make by questioning the comments Bob Dole directed at Mr. Kerry? Yes, it does happen to be true that though, Sen. Kerry claims that he was wounded three times, he actually "never spilled blood." Perhaps you need to revisit your own statement, and I quote you here, "Dammit, Mr. Kerry, next time you want a purple heart, you better spill some American red blood! And I don't mean a few specks like those on O.J.'s socks -- we want to see a good pint or two of blood for each medal. In fact, I would have preferred that you had bled profusely, a big geyser of blood spewing out of your neck or something!"
Do you believe that your bold faced audacity would be of great comfort to the families of the over 58,000 brave Americans who gave their lives in Vietnam? You have never been WOUNDED! What could you possibly know about wounds, war or service? What do you have to say for yourself?
And thanks, also, for confirming, and I quote you here, “the fact that Mr. Kerry might have actually WOUNDED HIMSELF in order to get those shiny medals. Of course he did! How could the Viet Cong have hit him -- he was on a SWIFT boat! He was going too fast to be hit by enemy fire. He tried to blow himself up three different times just so he could go home and run for President someday. It's all so easy to see, now, what he was up to.”
What would we do without you, Mr. Moore? Criticize you and laugh at you as we do, when it comes to pointing out other men's military records, there is no one who can touch your prowess. Even "The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth” who without your assistance; single-handedly organized, funded and started running those ads, could not have anticipated how Kerry's poll numbers would crash. True within the veteran’s groups, Sen. Kerry has lost 18 points in the last few weeks. What is it about that simple logic that escapes you?
Some people have said "Who are you, Mr. Bush, to attack these brave men considering you yourself have never seen combat -- in fact, you actively sought to avoid it." Mr. Moore, reasonable, decent, educated, accomplished people consider the source when ridiculous statements are made. Please refrain from talking about things you unfortunately could never digest. When you do, your actions merely become more fader for our laughter.
What you fail to understand is that the President’s father did not get him into a unit that would never be sent to Vietnam. President Bush’s Guard duty records have proven his service and very “honorable discharge”. Show us Sen. Kerry's original discharge. Honorable, or counterfeited like his service records signed by John Lehman. I agree with you that cowards like Clinton justify their actions by claiming to be consistent. He and others opposed the war, refused to go, thus making overt statements about their lack of patriotism. Thank you for pointing out that fact.
I can fully appreciate your frustration over Senator Kerry’s claims surrounding the medals he received. Kerry was a man of privilege; he tried to get a deferment so that he could study in Paris. When that failed he concocted his scheme. He joined the Navy, made a very quick turnaround trip to Vietnam and returned to gain points with the American people bragging about how he was getting shot at every day in the Mekong Delta. Ha! Is that the best he could do? If he thinks he is going to impress anyone with the fact that he volunteered to go when he could have spent the Vietnam years on the family yacht, he should think again. That only shows how stupid he was!
True-blue Americans want a President who is honest, and holds integrity in the highest esteem. Not one who knows how to pull strings and work the system and get away with phony claims of heroism and valor. Americans do understand the true character of George W. Bush, and they recognize the genesis of the fantasy life being portrayed by John F. Kerry.
So, to make it up to you, I have written an ad you can produce for all of your friends at Moveon.org and for George Soros personally. People will soon tire of John Kerry’s empty statements, ugly past and hopeless efforts to claim 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue as home. You are going to need some fresh, punchier material. Feel free to use mine:
ANNOUNCER: "When the water bugs were flying all around him in Vietnam, what did John Kerry do? He tried to feed them pieces of the rice he was removing from the self-inflicted wounds to his buttocks. When the bugs refused to eat his butt rice, he Ordered his boat crew to make a swift exit from the area! When he noticed that his Order caused one of his crew to fall out of the boat, he reluctantly returned and 'ordered the man out of the river.' But, as we all know, men don't live in the river -- fish do. John Kerry knows how to tell a big fish tale. What he won't tell you is that when the bugs were landing on his neck, he ducked. If you want a president who will duck out, vote Kerry!
Your references to Max Clelend are cheap and do not merit any response. The veteran communities will be able to offer their response to your despicable use of one of their own to create a platform for your sophomoric attempts to correspond with the President of the United States.
Remember, if the American death toll in Iraq hits 1,000, you need to think about the souls of each one lost and the families morning them, because they, unlike you, Bill Clinton and your love interest, John Kerry, have what it takes to fight a war abroad so that we do not have to fight for our lives at home. Stay consistent, sir, and always, ALWAYS question the veracity of anyone who risks their life for this country. It's what we have come to expect from you.
Susan Moses
P.S. Bravo on receiving the USA Today press credentials to the Republican convention to write a guest column each day next week (Tues.-Fri.). My new puppy will know exactly what to do on every word you attempt to string together.
Friday, August 27, 2004
The Protestor Revisited - O
The Kerry campaign sent a letter today pleading for support, and calling for a stop to the challenges of the Senator's service record. The desperate tone supports the theory that the Demonrats are running scared.
They are extremely worried that Kerry's entire war record will be made public prior to Nov. 2nd.
Even if the Swifties stopped today - the rat is out of the bag, it smells bad and it is swimming down river from Cambodia and up the Chappaquidick.
The DNC never anticipated Kerry's liabilities. I am sure that they are kicking themselves that they blinked and allowed him to manipulate himself onto the ticket. But for a volume control on Dean's mic.
Now they are stuck with the liar.... but never lose sight of FACTOR X = Hillary Clinton. She has a vested interest in "4 more years of George Bush". What else could she run on in 2008? Hillary and Soros have their dirty hands all over this campaign. The liberal 527's are just a test run for 2008.
Mary Beth Cahill is in way over her head and the Kerry campaign soldiers consist of radical anti-culturists, anarchists, misguided youth who have been abandoned by their pot-smoking parents and very, very angry godless people.
You will see them on the streets of New York next week.
They will be naked, drunk, on drugs, dirty, hostile, aggressive and out of control.
History is repeating itself - John Kerry has enlisted radical protestors to rally against the establishment.
They are extremely worried that Kerry's entire war record will be made public prior to Nov. 2nd.
Even if the Swifties stopped today - the rat is out of the bag, it smells bad and it is swimming down river from Cambodia and up the Chappaquidick.
The DNC never anticipated Kerry's liabilities. I am sure that they are kicking themselves that they blinked and allowed him to manipulate himself onto the ticket. But for a volume control on Dean's mic.
Now they are stuck with the liar.... but never lose sight of FACTOR X = Hillary Clinton. She has a vested interest in "4 more years of George Bush". What else could she run on in 2008? Hillary and Soros have their dirty hands all over this campaign. The liberal 527's are just a test run for 2008.
Mary Beth Cahill is in way over her head and the Kerry campaign soldiers consist of radical anti-culturists, anarchists, misguided youth who have been abandoned by their pot-smoking parents and very, very angry godless people.
You will see them on the streets of New York next week.
They will be naked, drunk, on drugs, dirty, hostile, aggressive and out of control.
History is repeating itself - John Kerry has enlisted radical protestors to rally against the establishment.
Sunday, August 22, 2004
Form 180 - O
He swam to Cambodia
He sold out to Hanoi
He gave it all in gay Paris
He is a naughty boy
He said he had to do it
He gave a list of reasons
He wants to alter history
He can not face his treason
He sold out to Hanoi
He gave it all in gay Paris
He is a naughty boy
He said he had to do it
He gave a list of reasons
He wants to alter history
He can not face his treason
Fitness to Serve - O
On Saturday, August 21, 2004, Wayne Resnick, http://kfi640.com/hosts/wayneresnick.html, dedicated the majority of his talk radio show to setting the record straight concerning the allegations levied against Sen. John Kerry by the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.("SBVfT") http://kerrylied.com/. and www.scaryjohnkerry.com/vietnam.htm.
Resnick spoke as if with absolute, first hand knowledge and authority about the events presented in the Unfit For Command book authored by John O'Neill and Jerome Corsi. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0895260174/002-5281770-9186409. Resnick methodically twisted the facts as presented by the SBVfT, misquoted them and then presented, according to him, a moment by moment "factual" accounting of what "really" happened. At no time during his radio broadcast did Mr. Resnick indicate that he had been in Vietnam, on the boat with Sen. Kerry nor that he had ever served in Vietnam. However, he did assure his audience that he had all of the real facts as opposed to the information being presented by O'Neill and Corsi.
Prior to taking a few phone calls, Mr. Resnick offered his professional analysis of the motivation behind the SBVfT and other Vietnam veterans who have taken a position against Sen. John Kerry. According to Resnick, the Vietnam veterans are not politically motivated they are psychologically motivated. Resnick stated that everybody knows that the veterans of the Vietnam war are filled with the enormous shame and quilt they have been harboring for over 30 years. He said that their shame and guilt has made them angry, and over the years they have become psychologically disturbed. His implication was that the veterans are emotionally disturbed because they participated in a war that everyone knew, just like Iraq, we should never have been involved in. He actually stated that the veterans from the Vietnam war are psychologically disturbed because veterans, including Sen. Kerry, have confirmed witnessing senseless massive atrocities during their service. He reminded his audience that these atrocities were reported by Sen. Kerry as soon as he returned to the United States.
Notwithstanding the specious, political motivation behind Mr. Resnick's comments, and assuming that his theory is correct, wouldn't his assessment of the psychologically flawed Vietnam veterans include Sen. Kerry and the 3 or 4 veterans who currently support him? If so, is America potentially in a very dangerous position should Sen. Kerry be elected?
Tom Eagleton, the former Junior Senator from Missouri, would certainly weigh in on the issue of psychological and emotional fitness to serve. George McGovern was forced to remove Eagleton as a Vice Presidential candidate when less than two weeks after their nomination the two candidates met at McGovern's vacation retreat in South Dakota where Eagleton also admitted that he had been in the hospital three times from 1960 to 1966, twice undergoing shock treatment for depression. As a result of massive Newspaper and party pressure demanding his resignation, a week later he did so.
If on the other hand, Resnick's public character assassination of the Vietnam veteran's emotion fitness was politically motivated, then one should examine the fact that with wild and recklessly abandon, he used corporate funding, as detailed on the sponsor list on his website, to attack the credibility of an entire generation of American heroes.
Immediately upon learning that several high profile entertainers had used their status to malign President Bush at a New York fund raiser, the public offered its response in the form of a massive campaign to the SlimFast parent company. The result was that the leader of the Bush basher's, Ms. Whoopie Goldberg, promptly lost her endorsement. The SlimFast organization was quick to respond to the emails, phone calls, FAXes and letters from decent Americans who were troubled by the fact that a corporation would support the character assassination of the President. SlimFast did not and apparently does not support such abhorrent behavior, thus Ms. Goldberg is no longer associated with the company.
Therefore, if the Vietnam veterans are in fact psychologically damaged, including Sen. Kerry, we need to step up to the mark and help them. We also need to encourage Sen. Kerry, for the sake of our National security, to follow Tom Eagleton's example and step out of the Presidential race. However, if Resnick is a liar, a deliberate character assassin and politically motivated to harm the good reputation of our veterans, we need to step up to the mark by immediately insisting that his sponsors rethink their support of his message.
Resnick spoke as if with absolute, first hand knowledge and authority about the events presented in the Unfit For Command book authored by John O'Neill and Jerome Corsi. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0895260174/002-5281770-9186409. Resnick methodically twisted the facts as presented by the SBVfT, misquoted them and then presented, according to him, a moment by moment "factual" accounting of what "really" happened. At no time during his radio broadcast did Mr. Resnick indicate that he had been in Vietnam, on the boat with Sen. Kerry nor that he had ever served in Vietnam. However, he did assure his audience that he had all of the real facts as opposed to the information being presented by O'Neill and Corsi.
Prior to taking a few phone calls, Mr. Resnick offered his professional analysis of the motivation behind the SBVfT and other Vietnam veterans who have taken a position against Sen. John Kerry. According to Resnick, the Vietnam veterans are not politically motivated they are psychologically motivated. Resnick stated that everybody knows that the veterans of the Vietnam war are filled with the enormous shame and quilt they have been harboring for over 30 years. He said that their shame and guilt has made them angry, and over the years they have become psychologically disturbed. His implication was that the veterans are emotionally disturbed because they participated in a war that everyone knew, just like Iraq, we should never have been involved in. He actually stated that the veterans from the Vietnam war are psychologically disturbed because veterans, including Sen. Kerry, have confirmed witnessing senseless massive atrocities during their service. He reminded his audience that these atrocities were reported by Sen. Kerry as soon as he returned to the United States.
Notwithstanding the specious, political motivation behind Mr. Resnick's comments, and assuming that his theory is correct, wouldn't his assessment of the psychologically flawed Vietnam veterans include Sen. Kerry and the 3 or 4 veterans who currently support him? If so, is America potentially in a very dangerous position should Sen. Kerry be elected?
Tom Eagleton, the former Junior Senator from Missouri, would certainly weigh in on the issue of psychological and emotional fitness to serve. George McGovern was forced to remove Eagleton as a Vice Presidential candidate when less than two weeks after their nomination the two candidates met at McGovern's vacation retreat in South Dakota where Eagleton also admitted that he had been in the hospital three times from 1960 to 1966, twice undergoing shock treatment for depression. As a result of massive Newspaper and party pressure demanding his resignation, a week later he did so.
If on the other hand, Resnick's public character assassination of the Vietnam veteran's emotion fitness was politically motivated, then one should examine the fact that with wild and recklessly abandon, he used corporate funding, as detailed on the sponsor list on his website, to attack the credibility of an entire generation of American heroes.
Immediately upon learning that several high profile entertainers had used their status to malign President Bush at a New York fund raiser, the public offered its response in the form of a massive campaign to the SlimFast parent company. The result was that the leader of the Bush basher's, Ms. Whoopie Goldberg, promptly lost her endorsement. The SlimFast organization was quick to respond to the emails, phone calls, FAXes and letters from decent Americans who were troubled by the fact that a corporation would support the character assassination of the President. SlimFast did not and apparently does not support such abhorrent behavior, thus Ms. Goldberg is no longer associated with the company.
Therefore, if the Vietnam veterans are in fact psychologically damaged, including Sen. Kerry, we need to step up to the mark and help them. We also need to encourage Sen. Kerry, for the sake of our National security, to follow Tom Eagleton's example and step out of the Presidential race. However, if Resnick is a liar, a deliberate character assassin and politically motivated to harm the good reputation of our veterans, we need to step up to the mark by immediately insisting that his sponsors rethink their support of his message.
Saturday, August 21, 2004
The Battle of the 527 orgs - O
How could one counter: What did Kerry say to condemn of Michael Moore's movie?
Certainly nothing publicly. It is a good question to pose to all of the talk show talking heads.
Kerry will claim that he has not seen the movie.
Kerry will claim that a movie made for entertainment is far different from a serious attack ad.
Kerry will claim that Michael Moore is not in anyway associated with his campaign.
..........blah, blah ..... the puke will float.
To understand how John Kerry has been programmed by the far left to handle every situation, counter any statement and develop their strategy one would need to become a student of Lenin, Engels, Marx, Pieck, Ulbricht, etc. Communism is here, my friend. Is it a coincidence that all of the former members of the communist party in Bulgaria, are now Democrats. In essence for them, nothing has changed, and they hate the fact that Bulgaria is a Democracy. They changed their party name to stay under the radar.
The pinkos are still in eastern Europe, and they are here. They have been here for years. It was quite interesting to note that at the "W" rally in Santa Monica the Kerry supporters had HUGE signs with "CODE PINK" on them. They are clever. They accuse others of being what they are so that when they are uncovered, they can easily say, "They want you to believe about us what we have all known about them for years." It is a time tested technique.
Korea, Vietnam, Nicaragua, the Middle East have all successfully employed the methodology.
The Democratic party was the easiest for the Communists to infiltrate. They pulled members from the poor, uneducated, and minorities within our society and began making promises for a better life, more benefits and illegitimately tried to associate the Republican party with the elitist rich. However, one look into the names of the donors to the Clintons, Obama, Kerry and other Dems and you will find out that the Democrats are the party of the wealthy and provided. When I last looked, not much has changed for the poor and disenfranchised within the Democratic party. It would take less than one millisecond for them to point at George Bush with a wagging blaming finger.
They are marching fast and furiously toward their final battle to destroy our society as we know it. Just look at their platforms: Legalize drugs, open borders, open ended abortions, liberal judges, to remove God from everything, eliminate all of our rights to own guns, anon anon.
John Kerry is a puppet - George Soros is the mastermind. He has created a huge network of wealthy individuals who support his agenda because it will give them control. In the final analysis, it may not matter what Kerry says about Moore, or anything else. George Soros has created, funded and launched a dangerous machine aimed at every aspect of conservative values and morality. Soros doesn't care about Kerry anymore than you or I do. He needs a warm body and John Kerry may possible be one. Soros is closer to Teresa Heinz Kerry than he will ever be to John. George Soros has nothing in common with John Kerry, and John Kerry is expendable. Remember, John F Kerry wants to be JFK.
According to information received from a friend:
These are the wealthy funders of the democraticprogressive `527' groups.There are 3 pages to this article, links at thebottom:
Certainly nothing publicly. It is a good question to pose to all of the talk show talking heads.
Kerry will claim that he has not seen the movie.
Kerry will claim that a movie made for entertainment is far different from a serious attack ad.
Kerry will claim that Michael Moore is not in anyway associated with his campaign.
..........blah, blah ..... the puke will float.
To understand how John Kerry has been programmed by the far left to handle every situation, counter any statement and develop their strategy one would need to become a student of Lenin, Engels, Marx, Pieck, Ulbricht, etc. Communism is here, my friend. Is it a coincidence that all of the former members of the communist party in Bulgaria, are now Democrats. In essence for them, nothing has changed, and they hate the fact that Bulgaria is a Democracy. They changed their party name to stay under the radar.
The pinkos are still in eastern Europe, and they are here. They have been here for years. It was quite interesting to note that at the "W" rally in Santa Monica the Kerry supporters had HUGE signs with "CODE PINK" on them. They are clever. They accuse others of being what they are so that when they are uncovered, they can easily say, "They want you to believe about us what we have all known about them for years." It is a time tested technique.
Korea, Vietnam, Nicaragua, the Middle East have all successfully employed the methodology.
The Democratic party was the easiest for the Communists to infiltrate. They pulled members from the poor, uneducated, and minorities within our society and began making promises for a better life, more benefits and illegitimately tried to associate the Republican party with the elitist rich. However, one look into the names of the donors to the Clintons, Obama, Kerry and other Dems and you will find out that the Democrats are the party of the wealthy and provided. When I last looked, not much has changed for the poor and disenfranchised within the Democratic party. It would take less than one millisecond for them to point at George Bush with a wagging blaming finger.
They are marching fast and furiously toward their final battle to destroy our society as we know it. Just look at their platforms: Legalize drugs, open borders, open ended abortions, liberal judges, to remove God from everything, eliminate all of our rights to own guns, anon anon.
John Kerry is a puppet - George Soros is the mastermind. He has created a huge network of wealthy individuals who support his agenda because it will give them control. In the final analysis, it may not matter what Kerry says about Moore, or anything else. George Soros has created, funded and launched a dangerous machine aimed at every aspect of conservative values and morality. Soros doesn't care about Kerry anymore than you or I do. He needs a warm body and John Kerry may possible be one. Soros is closer to Teresa Heinz Kerry than he will ever be to John. George Soros has nothing in common with John Kerry, and John Kerry is expendable. Remember, John F Kerry wants to be JFK.
According to information received from a friend:
These are the wealthy funders of the democraticprogressive `527' groups.There are 3 pages to this article, links at thebottom:
What is the Purple Heart? - O
A recent survey indicated that there is a significant percentage within the US population not familiar with military service awards and medals. The current controversy initiated by veterans who have taken exception with the legitimacy of Sen. Kerry's actions while serving in and post Vietnam has created a great deal of confusion over the references to certain medals and citations. Sen. Kerry received three Purple Hearts and several other service medals during his four months of active service in Vietnam. The receipt of his third Purple Heart provided Sen. Kerry with a swift exit from Vietnam. In question is whether Sen. Kerry earned his service medals with complete and absolute legitimacy.
While not complete, the following links are intended to provide a basic sense of the requirements for being awarded medals, the significance of being awarded and the sense of honor and pride associated with the receipt of the medals. Sen. Kerry threw his medals or possibly only the ribbons associated with his medals over a wall in protest of the war upon returning from Vietnam. This action is viewed by many veterans and American civilians as contrary and insulting to the honorable service by other men and women, and their families, who have a great sense of pride in connection with the heroic actions and sacrifice required to receive the service medals.
Please feel free to pass the links page along to your friends and email lists who may not have served, or who for another reason may not be completely familiar with the medals and awards. It would be difficult to completely understand or appreciate the public debate and formal charges concerning Sen. Kerry's service medals without having a fundamental understanding of the medals and awards in question.
For reference purposes, Sen. Kerry served in the U.S. Navy.
Medal of Honor
Purple Heart
U.S. Navy & Marines combined Medals
U.S. Navy Medals
U.S. Coast Guard Medals
U.S Army Medals
U.S. Air Force Medals
While not complete, the following links are intended to provide a basic sense of the requirements for being awarded medals, the significance of being awarded and the sense of honor and pride associated with the receipt of the medals. Sen. Kerry threw his medals or possibly only the ribbons associated with his medals over a wall in protest of the war upon returning from Vietnam. This action is viewed by many veterans and American civilians as contrary and insulting to the honorable service by other men and women, and their families, who have a great sense of pride in connection with the heroic actions and sacrifice required to receive the service medals.
Please feel free to pass the links page along to your friends and email lists who may not have served, or who for another reason may not be completely familiar with the medals and awards. It would be difficult to completely understand or appreciate the public debate and formal charges concerning Sen. Kerry's service medals without having a fundamental understanding of the medals and awards in question.
For reference purposes, Sen. Kerry served in the U.S. Navy.
Medal of Honor
Purple Heart
U.S. Navy & Marines combined Medals
U.S. Navy Medals
U.S. Coast Guard Medals
U.S Army Medals
U.S. Air Force Medals
Thursday, August 19, 2004
The Last Samurai - O
Perhaps with the public filing of the Judicial Watch request for investigation of Sen. John Kerry's actions in connection with receiving his medals and his post active service activities, the SEAL, Green Beret, SF (wannabe phonies) will begin to think twice and then again before they attempt to capitalize on lies, factitious information and actions inconsistent with honorable service and patriotism.
Any person profiting from a falsified military service claim should heed the consequences Mr./Sen. Kerry faces today. A lie is a lie, big or small, the consequence rests within the gain.
If proven to be a liar and traitor, there may need to be a totally new WALL OF SHAME. Perhaps alas, John F. Kerry will prove to be the Last Samurai.
Any person profiting from a falsified military service claim should heed the consequences Mr./Sen. Kerry faces today. A lie is a lie, big or small, the consequence rests within the gain.
If proven to be a liar and traitor, there may need to be a totally new WALL OF SHAME. Perhaps alas, John F. Kerry will prove to be the Last Samurai.
Sunday, August 15, 2004
Reaction to O'Neill and Kerry on Cavett - O
Reaction to the O'Neill/Kerry 1971Cavett Show debate rebroadcast on C-SPAN
Dateline 2004:
On Kerry - He remains the quintessential flipper; the same person he was yesterday, is today and will no doubt be tomorrow. His answers are artfully crafted to evade the questions, deflecting the conversation to his next factious point.
His performance of 33 years ago was well coached on the paltry few points he wanted to keynote and fell flat when faced with substance, facts and evidence.
While his positions change from day to day on policies, his gutless personality has not changed since 1971. He remains the same artful presenter of factitious information; he uses subtle lies based on partial truths, managing to almost completely suppress the personal rage welling within his dark soul when he is confronted by the absolute truth.
On O'Neill – flawless then flawless now.
Dateline 2004:
On Kerry - He remains the quintessential flipper; the same person he was yesterday, is today and will no doubt be tomorrow. His answers are artfully crafted to evade the questions, deflecting the conversation to his next factious point.
His performance of 33 years ago was well coached on the paltry few points he wanted to keynote and fell flat when faced with substance, facts and evidence.
While his positions change from day to day on policies, his gutless personality has not changed since 1971. He remains the same artful presenter of factitious information; he uses subtle lies based on partial truths, managing to almost completely suppress the personal rage welling within his dark soul when he is confronted by the absolute truth.
On O'Neill – flawless then flawless now.
Friday, August 13, 2004
George Soros and the Liberal Media - O
If you have not visited the following website, you will certainly want to take a look at the important information that has been posted there.
Two days ago 500 members of the liberal media met via conference call to determine their agenda between now and November 2nd. The net result is that they are going to use the skewed employment figures to blast George Bush on the economy while John Kerry continues to lie and perpetrate lies from within his organization. They are determined to distract us from the facts while they poison our minds. George Soros's Kerry machine is brilliant at this tactic; they have had a great deal of practice at destruction, deception and lies.
A few brave and good men have worked very hard to bring the facts forward. They are working hard so that we can continue to enjoy our free time, vacations and week end's golfing and playing tennis.
We can not all dedicate the time and energy to bringing the facts forward as the men who are behind the http://www.scaryjohnkerry.com/ website. But, we can support them by sending people to the website and by sending them a few dollars to help them with their mission.
Make sure that you watch the new videos, they are chilling.
Two days ago 500 members of the liberal media met via conference call to determine their agenda between now and November 2nd. The net result is that they are going to use the skewed employment figures to blast George Bush on the economy while John Kerry continues to lie and perpetrate lies from within his organization. They are determined to distract us from the facts while they poison our minds. George Soros's Kerry machine is brilliant at this tactic; they have had a great deal of practice at destruction, deception and lies.
A few brave and good men have worked very hard to bring the facts forward. They are working hard so that we can continue to enjoy our free time, vacations and week end's golfing and playing tennis.
We can not all dedicate the time and energy to bringing the facts forward as the men who are behind the http://www.scaryjohnkerry.com/ website. But, we can support them by sending people to the website and by sending them a few dollars to help them with their mission.
Make sure that you watch the new videos, they are chilling.
They Smelled Like Poop - O
If you are curious to know where some, if not many, of the Middle Eastern illegal aliens are these days, just attend a pro-George Bush rally and you will see them assaulting the “W” supporters.
I participated in the rally welcoming “W” to Santa Monica on Thursday, August 12th, 2004. There was an overwhelmingly large and very patriotic group assembled to support the President. The group represented all ages, sizes and very ethnically diverse. Many of them were dressed in red, white or blue or a combination and most of them were proudly waving American flags.
The group was large enough to merit splitting into two smaller groups on either side of the intersection leading into the Santa Monica airport. They had proper permits to sell hats, shirts and pins, and they were clearly there to show their support for the President and the United States.
Within 15 minutes the Kerry/Soros crew showed up. By the way, the Bush group outnumbered the Kerry/Soros crew by 5 to 1 until they called for reinforcements. They immediately began opening up large tables and laying down huge piles of anti-Bush, anti-American placards, and summarily demanded that the Bush people leave their spot. They literally seeped like sewage into a basement. Within a very short time their crap was everywhere. Consequently the Bush people left the area in an orderly fashion and consolidated on one corner, opposite the Kerry/Soros crew.
However, seeing the Bush people move to another corner did not satisfy the Kerry/Soros crew. They tried to force themselves and move into the Bush people, by pushing and shoving them. The Kerry/Soros crew carried large placards, which were designed to cause bodily injury if they made contact with anyone. And they did try to wave them around to accidentally whack the Bush people. But, worse the Kerry/Soros group smelled. Seriously, they smelled like pot, vomit and poop.
I think stinking was a part of their strategy. They smelled so bad that they were making the Bush people back away, thus creating an opportunity for the Kerry/Soros crew to squat on the Bush area so to speak. They wanted to push the Bush people back so that the media and the public could not see how much support "W" actually has in Los Angeles County, in particular, in Liberalville a.k.a. Santa Monica.
The most curious factor was the number of Middle Eastern and Iranian men who were a part of the Kerry/Soros crew. As a matter of fact, the crew consisted of lesbians, Middle Easterners and gays. (No, the Governor of New Jersey was not there.) Most of them wore DarthVaderesk “black” garb with tough person slogans on them. None of them, not one of them, carried an American flag or any item denoting patriotism. They were pushy, threatening and again, they smelled like poop.
I guess the Middle Eastern illegals have not incorporated American hygiene into their new régime. Maybe George Soros will send them to a finishing school with some of the 527 money so they can blend more easily into our society as they assemble their weapons of mass destruction. Thank you Mr. Soros.
New York will be amazing if Santa Monica is a teaser.
I participated in the rally welcoming “W” to Santa Monica on Thursday, August 12th, 2004. There was an overwhelmingly large and very patriotic group assembled to support the President. The group represented all ages, sizes and very ethnically diverse. Many of them were dressed in red, white or blue or a combination and most of them were proudly waving American flags.
The group was large enough to merit splitting into two smaller groups on either side of the intersection leading into the Santa Monica airport. They had proper permits to sell hats, shirts and pins, and they were clearly there to show their support for the President and the United States.
Within 15 minutes the Kerry/Soros crew showed up. By the way, the Bush group outnumbered the Kerry/Soros crew by 5 to 1 until they called for reinforcements. They immediately began opening up large tables and laying down huge piles of anti-Bush, anti-American placards, and summarily demanded that the Bush people leave their spot. They literally seeped like sewage into a basement. Within a very short time their crap was everywhere. Consequently the Bush people left the area in an orderly fashion and consolidated on one corner, opposite the Kerry/Soros crew.
However, seeing the Bush people move to another corner did not satisfy the Kerry/Soros crew. They tried to force themselves and move into the Bush people, by pushing and shoving them. The Kerry/Soros crew carried large placards, which were designed to cause bodily injury if they made contact with anyone. And they did try to wave them around to accidentally whack the Bush people. But, worse the Kerry/Soros group smelled. Seriously, they smelled like pot, vomit and poop.
I think stinking was a part of their strategy. They smelled so bad that they were making the Bush people back away, thus creating an opportunity for the Kerry/Soros crew to squat on the Bush area so to speak. They wanted to push the Bush people back so that the media and the public could not see how much support "W" actually has in Los Angeles County, in particular, in Liberalville a.k.a. Santa Monica.
The most curious factor was the number of Middle Eastern and Iranian men who were a part of the Kerry/Soros crew. As a matter of fact, the crew consisted of lesbians, Middle Easterners and gays. (No, the Governor of New Jersey was not there.) Most of them wore DarthVaderesk “black” garb with tough person slogans on them. None of them, not one of them, carried an American flag or any item denoting patriotism. They were pushy, threatening and again, they smelled like poop.
I guess the Middle Eastern illegals have not incorporated American hygiene into their new régime. Maybe George Soros will send them to a finishing school with some of the 527 money so they can blend more easily into our society as they assemble their weapons of mass destruction. Thank you Mr. Soros.
New York will be amazing if Santa Monica is a teaser.
The truth about who wants to control oil prices - O
Why are oil prices rising when the supply exceeds the current level of demand?
Hedge funds are manipulating the price of oil on the international markets.
Who is the world's biggest player in Hedge funds
George Soros
Why would George Soros want to keep oil prices high?
George Bush
nuff said ....
National Post
... George Soros, probably the world's most famous hedge fund manager, collected a salary of US$750-million in 2003, placing him at the top of Institutional ...
www.canada.com/national/nationalpost/financialpost/ story.html?id=b17a72ec-9f0c-4c74-bf83-098ff21c18e2 - 27k -
Hedge funds are manipulating the price of oil on the international markets.
Who is the world's biggest player in Hedge funds
George Soros
Why would George Soros want to keep oil prices high?
George Bush
nuff said ....
National Post
... George Soros, probably the world's most famous hedge fund manager, collected a salary of US$750-million in 2003, placing him at the top of Institutional ...
www.canada.com/national/nationalpost/financialpost/ story.html?id=b17a72ec-9f0c-4c74-bf83-098ff21c18e2 - 27k -
Did Kerry Make It To Cambodia?
Who would you believe - John Kerry or Andrew Antippas?
Washington TimesAugust 13, 2004 Pg. 21
Fact And Fiction Did Kerry make it to Cambodia?
By Andrew Antippas
I was startled to read the Aug. 10 issue of the editorial page of The Washington Times concerning the assertion attributed to Sen. John Kerry that he had spent Christmas 1968 aboard his swift boat some five miles inside Cambodia and had been shot at by our Vietnamese allies, as well as the Khmer Rouge.I would like to offer some insights and some background about the subject of Cambodia as it related to the U.S. war effort in Vietnam in that period. I served as a Foreign Service officer in the American embassy in Saigon from March 1968 to February 1970 and subsequently at the American embassy in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, from 1970 to 1972.My job in the political section of our embassy in Saigon was to be the "Cambodia Man." My principal tasks were to follow border incidents involving U.S. forces along the Cambodian border. I worked as a liaison with U.S. forces, wrote reports to Washington, followed the intelligence about Communist use of Cambodia and, given that we did not have an embassy in Phnon Penh at that time, maintained contact with the Australian embassies in Saigon and Phnom Penh because the Australians were the U.S. protecting power in Cambodia.I also worked with the International Control Commission (ICC) in Saigon and Phnom Penh.The International Control Commission had been established by the Geneva Agreements of 1954 that ended the French Indochina war. The ICC had separate commission offices in the former French states of Indochina: North and South Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. The offices were to monitor their local military situations. The ICC was staffed by representatives of Canada, Poland and India. While really powerless to enforce the 1954 agreements and the ongoing IndoChina war, the four commissions were kept in place as some sort of presence on the ground. Prince Sihanouk, the head of state of Cambodia, used the ICC to chastise the United States and Republic of Vietnam vigorously and publicly for alleged border incidents. If there was a border incident, he dispatched the ICC to the site. Prince Sihanouk had broken diplomatic relations with the United States in 1965 over continuing border incidents.With the increasing use of Cambodia by the Communists after 1965, the United States offered helicopters and communications equipment to the ICC in Phnom Penh in 1968 to help the commission do its job of locating the more than 12 Communist base areas in the technically "neutral" state of Cambodia. It should be recalled that Communist troops (VC/NVA Viet Cong/North Vietnamese) came out of the sanctuaries in the "Parrot's Beak" area of Cambodia, a mere 35 miles west of Saigon, for the Tet attacks on Saigon in January 1968. However, Prince Sihanouk, as the official host of the ICC, declined the offer of equipment, saying bluntly that the Russians would not be pleased. The Cambodians did agree in 1968 to receive U.S. intelligence about the details of Communist sanctuaries.After Richard Nixon assumed office in 1969, Prince Sihanouk agreed to reopen the U.S. embassy, but insisted on the closure of the Phnom Penh ICC office to keep the political balance between the Communists and the United States.During 1968, there were some 50 "incidents" along the Cambodian border involving U.S. forces. Some of these incidents involved the U.S. "Brown Water Navy." That is, the Navy Riverine Forces, which used small patrol craft such as PBRs and swift boats in the Mekong Delta and along the waterways adjacent to the Cambodian border.I also worked with the Navy on the issue of gun-running through Cambodia. The Navy was particularly seized with the debate over whether the Vietnamese Communists were being resupplied through the "Sihanouk Trail," which was the extension of the Ho Chi Minh Trail, or by sea aboard Chinese freighters and hundred-ton steel-hulled trawlers through the port of Sihanoukville. The Johnson administration demanded proof of the CIA and Navy intelligence positions that postulated that the only way munitions of the amount being expended in South Vietnam's III and IV Corps could be resupplied was by ship. The Navy and local CIA station did a good job of making their case, but the supergrade CIA representatives and the senior State Department officials who came out from Washington to investigate the issue in October 1968 refused to accept that thesis because to do so would require the administration to put heat on Prince Sihanouk to do something about the use of Sihanoukville by the Communists.After Prince Sihanouk's ouster in 1970, we in the embassy in Phnom Penh confirmed the assumptions by the CIA and U.S. Navy in Saigon concerning the trade through "neutral" Cambodia's port of Sihanoukville.I worked closely with Vice Adm. Elmo Zumwalt, who was the commander of naval forces in Vietnam beginning in mid-1968 and before he moved up to become chief of naval operations in 1970. Adm. Zumwalt, unlike most senior American military, had served as an assistant naval attache in Europe as a more junior officer and knew the international political and diplomatic game. Adm. Zumwalt was politically sensitive about the activities of his Riverine units causing border incidents. There were established U.S. forces "rules of engagement" that governed the activities of American forces near the Cambodian border.There was, for example, a "no-fly zone" along the Cambodian border, where U.S. forces ground units, aircraft and boats were prohibited from routinely approaching or entering Cambodia. I should note here that allied forces in Vietnam from Australia, New Zealand, Korea, Thailand and the Philippines were used in areas away from the border just to avoid adding diplomatic problems.As U.S. forces in 1966 and 1967 progressively pushed the Vietnamese Communists farther and farther away from Vietnamese population centers, U.S. commanders sought permission for "hot pursuit" operations against Communist forces attacking from Cambodian territory. This always was denied, much to the military's frustration.The Cambodians patrolled the crossing border points on the Bassac and Mekong Rivers and had fortifications above the frontier. In mid-1968, just before Adm. Zumwalt took over, a U.S. Army LCM landing craft sailing north on the Mekong River — loaded with lubricants, gas, rations, beer and a forklift, as well as a number of U.S. soldiers — missed the turn from the Mekong River to the Bassac River (the two main north-south rivers that flow through the Mekong Delta) in order to reach its destination on the southern portion of the Bassac. Apparently the troops were somewhat bemused from the heat and the beer consumed and sailed right up into Cambodia, where they were halted by a Cambodian patrol craft and taken to the frontier base and then up to Phnom Penh. Gen. Creighton Abrams, newly in command, was furious, and Adm. Zumwalt's predecessor was nonplussed, blurting out that it wasn't one of his boats.Gen. Abrams snarled, "Yeah, it was one of mine and why did they do it?" We got the crew and LCM back eventually, but that was the only river incident involving the Cambodian border or Navy actions inside Cambodia to my recollection. There were continuing firefights along the Vinh the Canal, which is a kilometer inside the Vietnamese border and stretches straight as a shot from the Gulf of Siam to the Bassac River. The canal fronted the southern Communist base areas inside Cambodia and the Navy patrol craft frequently interdicted Communist infiltrators.There were plenty of incidents on land in 1968 involving U.S. ground forces and aircraft along the 800-mile-plus length of the Cambodian border with Vietnam. A favorite VC/NVA tactic was to pull up next to a Cambodian military post, shoot at the Americans and then leave and let the Cambodians receive American counter-battery fire or aircraft strikes.Finally, concerning the assertion that Mr. Kerry was shot at by the Khmer Rouge during his Christmas 1968 visit to Cambodia, it should be noted that the Khmer Rouge didn't take the field until the Easter Offensive of 1972, when the Vietnamese forces that had attacked the Cambodians initially in March 1970 pulled out of Cambodia to attack the U.S. and Vietnamese forces in Vietnam. Only Vietnamese Communist soldiers were found on the battlefields of Cambodia in 1970-72.The bottom line of all this is that in the 15 years of active American military involvement in Vietnam and Cambodia, between 1961 and 1975, there was ongoing attention and scrutiny paid to the border because of the political sensitivities over the neutrality of the Cambodians. While things may have happened that no one ever found out about in Saigon, the Cambodians yelled bloody murder to the world press and the ICC whenever they found Americans trespassing.
Andrew Antippas served as a Foreign Service officer in the U.S. Embassy in Saigon (March 1968 to February 1970) as the "Cambodia Man" and at the U.S. Embassy in Phnom Penh, Cambodia (1970 to 1972). He spent 32 years with the State Department (1960-92).
Washington TimesAugust 13, 2004 Pg. 21
Fact And Fiction Did Kerry make it to Cambodia?
By Andrew Antippas
I was startled to read the Aug. 10 issue of the editorial page of The Washington Times concerning the assertion attributed to Sen. John Kerry that he had spent Christmas 1968 aboard his swift boat some five miles inside Cambodia and had been shot at by our Vietnamese allies, as well as the Khmer Rouge.I would like to offer some insights and some background about the subject of Cambodia as it related to the U.S. war effort in Vietnam in that period. I served as a Foreign Service officer in the American embassy in Saigon from March 1968 to February 1970 and subsequently at the American embassy in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, from 1970 to 1972.My job in the political section of our embassy in Saigon was to be the "Cambodia Man." My principal tasks were to follow border incidents involving U.S. forces along the Cambodian border. I worked as a liaison with U.S. forces, wrote reports to Washington, followed the intelligence about Communist use of Cambodia and, given that we did not have an embassy in Phnon Penh at that time, maintained contact with the Australian embassies in Saigon and Phnom Penh because the Australians were the U.S. protecting power in Cambodia.I also worked with the International Control Commission (ICC) in Saigon and Phnom Penh.The International Control Commission had been established by the Geneva Agreements of 1954 that ended the French Indochina war. The ICC had separate commission offices in the former French states of Indochina: North and South Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. The offices were to monitor their local military situations. The ICC was staffed by representatives of Canada, Poland and India. While really powerless to enforce the 1954 agreements and the ongoing IndoChina war, the four commissions were kept in place as some sort of presence on the ground. Prince Sihanouk, the head of state of Cambodia, used the ICC to chastise the United States and Republic of Vietnam vigorously and publicly for alleged border incidents. If there was a border incident, he dispatched the ICC to the site. Prince Sihanouk had broken diplomatic relations with the United States in 1965 over continuing border incidents.With the increasing use of Cambodia by the Communists after 1965, the United States offered helicopters and communications equipment to the ICC in Phnom Penh in 1968 to help the commission do its job of locating the more than 12 Communist base areas in the technically "neutral" state of Cambodia. It should be recalled that Communist troops (VC/NVA Viet Cong/North Vietnamese) came out of the sanctuaries in the "Parrot's Beak" area of Cambodia, a mere 35 miles west of Saigon, for the Tet attacks on Saigon in January 1968. However, Prince Sihanouk, as the official host of the ICC, declined the offer of equipment, saying bluntly that the Russians would not be pleased. The Cambodians did agree in 1968 to receive U.S. intelligence about the details of Communist sanctuaries.After Richard Nixon assumed office in 1969, Prince Sihanouk agreed to reopen the U.S. embassy, but insisted on the closure of the Phnom Penh ICC office to keep the political balance between the Communists and the United States.During 1968, there were some 50 "incidents" along the Cambodian border involving U.S. forces. Some of these incidents involved the U.S. "Brown Water Navy." That is, the Navy Riverine Forces, which used small patrol craft such as PBRs and swift boats in the Mekong Delta and along the waterways adjacent to the Cambodian border.I also worked with the Navy on the issue of gun-running through Cambodia. The Navy was particularly seized with the debate over whether the Vietnamese Communists were being resupplied through the "Sihanouk Trail," which was the extension of the Ho Chi Minh Trail, or by sea aboard Chinese freighters and hundred-ton steel-hulled trawlers through the port of Sihanoukville. The Johnson administration demanded proof of the CIA and Navy intelligence positions that postulated that the only way munitions of the amount being expended in South Vietnam's III and IV Corps could be resupplied was by ship. The Navy and local CIA station did a good job of making their case, but the supergrade CIA representatives and the senior State Department officials who came out from Washington to investigate the issue in October 1968 refused to accept that thesis because to do so would require the administration to put heat on Prince Sihanouk to do something about the use of Sihanoukville by the Communists.After Prince Sihanouk's ouster in 1970, we in the embassy in Phnom Penh confirmed the assumptions by the CIA and U.S. Navy in Saigon concerning the trade through "neutral" Cambodia's port of Sihanoukville.I worked closely with Vice Adm. Elmo Zumwalt, who was the commander of naval forces in Vietnam beginning in mid-1968 and before he moved up to become chief of naval operations in 1970. Adm. Zumwalt, unlike most senior American military, had served as an assistant naval attache in Europe as a more junior officer and knew the international political and diplomatic game. Adm. Zumwalt was politically sensitive about the activities of his Riverine units causing border incidents. There were established U.S. forces "rules of engagement" that governed the activities of American forces near the Cambodian border.There was, for example, a "no-fly zone" along the Cambodian border, where U.S. forces ground units, aircraft and boats were prohibited from routinely approaching or entering Cambodia. I should note here that allied forces in Vietnam from Australia, New Zealand, Korea, Thailand and the Philippines were used in areas away from the border just to avoid adding diplomatic problems.As U.S. forces in 1966 and 1967 progressively pushed the Vietnamese Communists farther and farther away from Vietnamese population centers, U.S. commanders sought permission for "hot pursuit" operations against Communist forces attacking from Cambodian territory. This always was denied, much to the military's frustration.The Cambodians patrolled the crossing border points on the Bassac and Mekong Rivers and had fortifications above the frontier. In mid-1968, just before Adm. Zumwalt took over, a U.S. Army LCM landing craft sailing north on the Mekong River — loaded with lubricants, gas, rations, beer and a forklift, as well as a number of U.S. soldiers — missed the turn from the Mekong River to the Bassac River (the two main north-south rivers that flow through the Mekong Delta) in order to reach its destination on the southern portion of the Bassac. Apparently the troops were somewhat bemused from the heat and the beer consumed and sailed right up into Cambodia, where they were halted by a Cambodian patrol craft and taken to the frontier base and then up to Phnom Penh. Gen. Creighton Abrams, newly in command, was furious, and Adm. Zumwalt's predecessor was nonplussed, blurting out that it wasn't one of his boats.Gen. Abrams snarled, "Yeah, it was one of mine and why did they do it?" We got the crew and LCM back eventually, but that was the only river incident involving the Cambodian border or Navy actions inside Cambodia to my recollection. There were continuing firefights along the Vinh the Canal, which is a kilometer inside the Vietnamese border and stretches straight as a shot from the Gulf of Siam to the Bassac River. The canal fronted the southern Communist base areas inside Cambodia and the Navy patrol craft frequently interdicted Communist infiltrators.There were plenty of incidents on land in 1968 involving U.S. ground forces and aircraft along the 800-mile-plus length of the Cambodian border with Vietnam. A favorite VC/NVA tactic was to pull up next to a Cambodian military post, shoot at the Americans and then leave and let the Cambodians receive American counter-battery fire or aircraft strikes.Finally, concerning the assertion that Mr. Kerry was shot at by the Khmer Rouge during his Christmas 1968 visit to Cambodia, it should be noted that the Khmer Rouge didn't take the field until the Easter Offensive of 1972, when the Vietnamese forces that had attacked the Cambodians initially in March 1970 pulled out of Cambodia to attack the U.S. and Vietnamese forces in Vietnam. Only Vietnamese Communist soldiers were found on the battlefields of Cambodia in 1970-72.The bottom line of all this is that in the 15 years of active American military involvement in Vietnam and Cambodia, between 1961 and 1975, there was ongoing attention and scrutiny paid to the border because of the political sensitivities over the neutrality of the Cambodians. While things may have happened that no one ever found out about in Saigon, the Cambodians yelled bloody murder to the world press and the ICC whenever they found Americans trespassing.
Andrew Antippas served as a Foreign Service officer in the U.S. Embassy in Saigon (March 1968 to February 1970) as the "Cambodia Man" and at the U.S. Embassy in Phnom Penh, Cambodia (1970 to 1972). He spent 32 years with the State Department (1960-92).
Another credible voice on Kerry and Viet Nam.
Washington TimesAugust 13, 2004 Pg. 21A
Question Of CharacterIn search of Christmas 1968
By Patrick J. Buchanan
On March 27, 1986, John Kerry rose in the Senate to address the theme that launched his career: How U.S. leaders had lied about Vietnam while young warriors like John Kerry paid the price. His textbook case was how Richard Nixon had lied about U.S. forces not being in Cambodia:"I remember Christmas of 1968, sitting on a gunboat in Cambodia. I remember what it was like to be shot at by the Vietnamese and the Khmer Rouge and Cambodians, and the president of the United States telling the American people I was not there; the troops were not in Cambodia. I have that memory which is seared — seared — in me."Mr. Kerry had told this dramatic story before, in the Boston Herald, Oct. 14, 1979, with a different twist as to who had fired on the young Navy lieutenant on that unforgettable Christmas Eve."On more than one occasion, I, like Martin Sheen in 'Apocalypse Now,' took my patrol boat into Cambodia. In fact, I remember spending Christmas Eve of 1968 five miles across the Cambodian border being shot at by our South Vietnamese allies who were drunk and celebrating Christmas. The absurdity of almost being killed by our own allies in a country in which President Nixon claimed there were no American troops was very real."Just how "very real," how "seared" in Mr. Kerry's memory that raid into Cambodia was — with Mr. Nixon lying about our not being there as Lt. John Kerry took fire — is now open to question.First, because Richard Nixon was not president on Christmas Eve 1968. Lyndon Johnson was. More critically, because Mr. Kerry's fellow swift boat commanders are openly accusing him of lying.Mr. Kerry "was never ordered into Cambodia by anyone and would have been court-martialed had he gone there," writes former swift boat Capt. John O'Neill in the explosive new best-seller, "Unfit to Command." On that Christmas Eve, writes Capt. O'Neill, Kerry was "more than fifty miles away from Cambodia.""During Christmas 1968," writes Capt. O'Neill, "Kerry was stationed at Coastal Division 13 in Cat Lo. Coastal Division 13s patrol area extended to Sa Dec, about 55 miles from the Cambodian border. Areas closer than 55 miles to the Cambodian border in the area of the Mekong River were patrolled by PBRs, a small river patrol craft, and not by Swift Boats.""Preventing border crossings," writes Capt. O'Neill, "was considered so important at that time that an LCU (a large, mechanized landing craft) and several PBRs were stationed to ensure that no one could cross the border. A large sign at the border prohibited entry."According to Capt. O'Neill, all of Mr. Kerry's commanders who are still alive deny he was ever ordered into Cambodia and insist Mr. Kerry would have been court-martialed had he ever taken his boat into Cambodia.If what John O'Neill writes is true — and he has invited Mr. Kerry to sue him for libel — Mr. Kerry has falsified a central event of his life. For Mr. Kerry has used this story repeatedly, and it has been used by admirers to explain how the idealistic young warrior lost his faith in the U.S. government.Nor is this an unserious matter. For the charges against Mr. Kerry in "Unfit for Command" go to an issue the media failed to address in 1992, to the detriment of this country: the issue of character and credibility.Is John Kerry a brave warrior being viciously maligned by swift boat veterans who hate him for having turned against the war and telling the truth about U.S. war crimes? Or has John Kerry been lying about his service in Vietnam and slandering the honorable service of the swift boat veterans to advance his own career, in which case, he should be read out of the company of decent men, not elevated to the presidency?While the full truth about how Mr. Kerry won his medals may never be known, we do know this: Mr. Kerry has backed away from the more lurid charges of genocide against U.S. forces he made when he came home. He misled his biographer, Douglas Brinkley, when he denied being at the Kansas City meeting of Vietnam Veterans Against the War, where the assassination of Sens. Tower, Stennis and Thurmond was discussed. His campaign staff tried to get former VVAW men to disremember that Mr. Kerry was there.Now we have the issue of whether Mr. Kerry has told the truth about a critical moment in his life, that Christmas Eve of 1968 inside Cambodia, where young John Kerry was taking fire as U.S. leaders were lying to the nation by denying we were in Cambodia.There is a simple way to discover who is telling the truth. That is for a journalist to ask Mr. Kerry to elaborate a bit on that Christmas Eve in Cambodia that is so "seared" in his memory and so affected his life.
Patrick J. Buchanan served in the Nixon, Ford and Reagan administrations.
Washington TimesAugust 13, 2004 Pg. 21A
Question Of CharacterIn search of Christmas 1968
By Patrick J. Buchanan
On March 27, 1986, John Kerry rose in the Senate to address the theme that launched his career: How U.S. leaders had lied about Vietnam while young warriors like John Kerry paid the price. His textbook case was how Richard Nixon had lied about U.S. forces not being in Cambodia:"I remember Christmas of 1968, sitting on a gunboat in Cambodia. I remember what it was like to be shot at by the Vietnamese and the Khmer Rouge and Cambodians, and the president of the United States telling the American people I was not there; the troops were not in Cambodia. I have that memory which is seared — seared — in me."Mr. Kerry had told this dramatic story before, in the Boston Herald, Oct. 14, 1979, with a different twist as to who had fired on the young Navy lieutenant on that unforgettable Christmas Eve."On more than one occasion, I, like Martin Sheen in 'Apocalypse Now,' took my patrol boat into Cambodia. In fact, I remember spending Christmas Eve of 1968 five miles across the Cambodian border being shot at by our South Vietnamese allies who were drunk and celebrating Christmas. The absurdity of almost being killed by our own allies in a country in which President Nixon claimed there were no American troops was very real."Just how "very real," how "seared" in Mr. Kerry's memory that raid into Cambodia was — with Mr. Nixon lying about our not being there as Lt. John Kerry took fire — is now open to question.First, because Richard Nixon was not president on Christmas Eve 1968. Lyndon Johnson was. More critically, because Mr. Kerry's fellow swift boat commanders are openly accusing him of lying.Mr. Kerry "was never ordered into Cambodia by anyone and would have been court-martialed had he gone there," writes former swift boat Capt. John O'Neill in the explosive new best-seller, "Unfit to Command." On that Christmas Eve, writes Capt. O'Neill, Kerry was "more than fifty miles away from Cambodia.""During Christmas 1968," writes Capt. O'Neill, "Kerry was stationed at Coastal Division 13 in Cat Lo. Coastal Division 13s patrol area extended to Sa Dec, about 55 miles from the Cambodian border. Areas closer than 55 miles to the Cambodian border in the area of the Mekong River were patrolled by PBRs, a small river patrol craft, and not by Swift Boats.""Preventing border crossings," writes Capt. O'Neill, "was considered so important at that time that an LCU (a large, mechanized landing craft) and several PBRs were stationed to ensure that no one could cross the border. A large sign at the border prohibited entry."According to Capt. O'Neill, all of Mr. Kerry's commanders who are still alive deny he was ever ordered into Cambodia and insist Mr. Kerry would have been court-martialed had he ever taken his boat into Cambodia.If what John O'Neill writes is true — and he has invited Mr. Kerry to sue him for libel — Mr. Kerry has falsified a central event of his life. For Mr. Kerry has used this story repeatedly, and it has been used by admirers to explain how the idealistic young warrior lost his faith in the U.S. government.Nor is this an unserious matter. For the charges against Mr. Kerry in "Unfit for Command" go to an issue the media failed to address in 1992, to the detriment of this country: the issue of character and credibility.Is John Kerry a brave warrior being viciously maligned by swift boat veterans who hate him for having turned against the war and telling the truth about U.S. war crimes? Or has John Kerry been lying about his service in Vietnam and slandering the honorable service of the swift boat veterans to advance his own career, in which case, he should be read out of the company of decent men, not elevated to the presidency?While the full truth about how Mr. Kerry won his medals may never be known, we do know this: Mr. Kerry has backed away from the more lurid charges of genocide against U.S. forces he made when he came home. He misled his biographer, Douglas Brinkley, when he denied being at the Kansas City meeting of Vietnam Veterans Against the War, where the assassination of Sens. Tower, Stennis and Thurmond was discussed. His campaign staff tried to get former VVAW men to disremember that Mr. Kerry was there.Now we have the issue of whether Mr. Kerry has told the truth about a critical moment in his life, that Christmas Eve of 1968 inside Cambodia, where young John Kerry was taking fire as U.S. leaders were lying to the nation by denying we were in Cambodia.There is a simple way to discover who is telling the truth. That is for a journalist to ask Mr. Kerry to elaborate a bit on that Christmas Eve in Cambodia that is so "seared" in his memory and so affected his life.
Patrick J. Buchanan served in the Nixon, Ford and Reagan administrations.
Franks vs Kerry
Forward from a friend:
From “American Soldier” by General Tommy Franks page 114:
(November 1968)
One evening after dinner, Mother helped me with my dress uniform as I prepared to report for duty at Fort Sill-my next duty assignment. …My dad came into the kitchen and watched as I pinned on the campaign ribbons and decorations.“Those are four oak leaf clusters.” I tapped the little pins on the ribbons. “For second or third awards of the same medal.”In his deliberate way, he counted. “Three Purple Hearts.”“I was a big target.” I’d actually been wounded several more times; the Purple Hearts only signified the wounds for which I’d been sent to the hospital.
Let's see now:
Franks:• Had been hospitalized three times for wounds•
Had been wounded several more times•
Received three Purple Hearts•
Had in a full one year tour in Vietnam
Kerry:• Was never hospitalized•
Received three Purple Hearts (at least two have been questioned )•
Left Vietnam at his own request after only 4 months
Franks was advised to wear civilian clothes on the plane ride back home after arriving in the US. The anti-Vietnam atmosphere was about to get a major boost from "hero" Kerry.
From “American Soldier” by General Tommy Franks page 114:
(November 1968)
One evening after dinner, Mother helped me with my dress uniform as I prepared to report for duty at Fort Sill-my next duty assignment. …My dad came into the kitchen and watched as I pinned on the campaign ribbons and decorations.“Those are four oak leaf clusters.” I tapped the little pins on the ribbons. “For second or third awards of the same medal.”In his deliberate way, he counted. “Three Purple Hearts.”“I was a big target.” I’d actually been wounded several more times; the Purple Hearts only signified the wounds for which I’d been sent to the hospital.
Let's see now:
Franks:• Had been hospitalized three times for wounds•
Had been wounded several more times•
Received three Purple Hearts•
Had in a full one year tour in Vietnam
Kerry:• Was never hospitalized•
Received three Purple Hearts (at least two have been questioned )•
Left Vietnam at his own request after only 4 months
Franks was advised to wear civilian clothes on the plane ride back home after arriving in the US. The anti-Vietnam atmosphere was about to get a major boost from "hero" Kerry.
Sunday, August 08, 2004
Obama and Mephisto - O
Obama’s Faustian Bargain with Mephisto
Why should you support Alan Keyes as Republican candidate for the Illinois Senate? Keyes announced today that he will run against heavily favored Barack Obama, the up-and-coming Democratic Party star?
Not long after George Soros made his ridiculous statements comparing Abu Ghraib with the terrorist attacks on 9/11, Barack Obama, the Democratic candidate for the Senate in Illinois, rushed to join Soros in New York for a fund-raiser on June 7th.
They met at Soros' home, where Obama's received Soros’ personal commitment to his campaign and a large infusion of cash from the Soros family. Prior to meeting with Soros, Obama (not related to Osama) was facing a viable challenge from Republican Jack Ryan. Coincidence that within a short time of their meeting that news broke leaking very personal, and intimate information from Ryan's divorce records? Doubtful, since the potential for personal embarrassment caused Ryan to drop out of the Senate race. Shaking Ryan from the race in order to clear the path for Obama was a doctrinaire matter of business for the Soros machine.
As a result of making his deal with Soros (a.k.a. the devil) Obama joined a growing list of candidates receiving contributions from George Soros. The list includes Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle, D-S.D.; Sens. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y.; Bob Graham, D-Fla.; John Kerry, D-Mass.; Patrick Leahy, D-Vt.; U.S. Rep. Tom Lantos; and former Vermont governor Howard Dean. However it appears that Obama’s political aspirations seemed to be focused more nationally than they do on Illinois, especially if you look at some of the money he's taken from left-coast liberals."
"Why did George support Obama?" "Barack Obama has an extremely liberal voting record. According to Cathy Santos, co-founder of the Chicago-based Republican Young Professionals, "He's more of a socialist than he is even a Democrat. A lot of his policies have the government taking care of people. Instead of giving people a leg up, he would rather give them a leg.” Santos also said if Obama got his way, “ the U.S. health care system would be worse than what Hillary Clinton proposed after her husband was elected president. Voters should be wary of Obama's "any time, anywhere" stance on abortion.”
Obama fits the Soros plan to unravel our country from within. Obama received a bigger bounce from the DNC than did Sen. Kerry. Obama is heading for 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, one way or the other. He appears to have made his choice regarding the pathway he is willing to pursue. He and Soros will use the emotional race card with the black population and to a certain extent other minorities to create a groundswell of support from within the ranks of the common man. He is handsome, articulate, and flamboyant. Forget the fact that he sold his soul to the devil; the liberal media, the Soros machine and Hollywood won’t let that dirty little secret become known.
Get this message to everyone you know, and ask for their support whether Illinois resident or not. At the very least, Alan Keyes can use our moral, emotional and if possible, financial support.
Why should you support Alan Keyes as Republican candidate for the Illinois Senate? Keyes announced today that he will run against heavily favored Barack Obama, the up-and-coming Democratic Party star?
Not long after George Soros made his ridiculous statements comparing Abu Ghraib with the terrorist attacks on 9/11, Barack Obama, the Democratic candidate for the Senate in Illinois, rushed to join Soros in New York for a fund-raiser on June 7th.
They met at Soros' home, where Obama's received Soros’ personal commitment to his campaign and a large infusion of cash from the Soros family. Prior to meeting with Soros, Obama (not related to Osama) was facing a viable challenge from Republican Jack Ryan. Coincidence that within a short time of their meeting that news broke leaking very personal, and intimate information from Ryan's divorce records? Doubtful, since the potential for personal embarrassment caused Ryan to drop out of the Senate race. Shaking Ryan from the race in order to clear the path for Obama was a doctrinaire matter of business for the Soros machine.
As a result of making his deal with Soros (a.k.a. the devil) Obama joined a growing list of candidates receiving contributions from George Soros. The list includes Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle, D-S.D.; Sens. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y.; Bob Graham, D-Fla.; John Kerry, D-Mass.; Patrick Leahy, D-Vt.; U.S. Rep. Tom Lantos; and former Vermont governor Howard Dean. However it appears that Obama’s political aspirations seemed to be focused more nationally than they do on Illinois, especially if you look at some of the money he's taken from left-coast liberals."
"Why did George support Obama?" "Barack Obama has an extremely liberal voting record. According to Cathy Santos, co-founder of the Chicago-based Republican Young Professionals, "He's more of a socialist than he is even a Democrat. A lot of his policies have the government taking care of people. Instead of giving people a leg up, he would rather give them a leg.” Santos also said if Obama got his way, “ the U.S. health care system would be worse than what Hillary Clinton proposed after her husband was elected president. Voters should be wary of Obama's "any time, anywhere" stance on abortion.”
Obama fits the Soros plan to unravel our country from within. Obama received a bigger bounce from the DNC than did Sen. Kerry. Obama is heading for 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, one way or the other. He appears to have made his choice regarding the pathway he is willing to pursue. He and Soros will use the emotional race card with the black population and to a certain extent other minorities to create a groundswell of support from within the ranks of the common man. He is handsome, articulate, and flamboyant. Forget the fact that he sold his soul to the devil; the liberal media, the Soros machine and Hollywood won’t let that dirty little secret become known.
Get this message to everyone you know, and ask for their support whether Illinois resident or not. At the very least, Alan Keyes can use our moral, emotional and if possible, financial support.
Friday, August 06, 2004
On My Mind Today - O
Have you heard of Bonnie Raitt, Huey Lewis, Mickey Hart, Phil Lesh and Bill Kreutzmann, Tommy Castro, Suzanne Ciani, Ramblin’ Jack Elliott, Dan Hicks, the Doobie Brothers, Pete Sears, Roy Rogers, Maria Muldaur or Rob Wasserman?
http://www.musiciansforkerry.com/ hosts the details.
Did you hear that the director of religious outreach for the Democratic Party resigned this week because of mainstream criticism over her support for removing the words "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance?
What is the connection? Just say “No” to God, sponsored by billionaire, George Soros. While he may not write all of the checks himself, his campaign to oust George Bush has ignited a movement unparalleled in recent decades. The common thread between the entertainers who have stepped into the limelight, the filmmakers who have used their resources to create anti-Bush projects and the liberal media seems to be a shared vision for a godless America.
How deep is George Soros’ hatred for George Bush? When asked if he would trade his $7 billion fortune to unseat Bush, Soros opened his mouth, and then he closed it. For a beat the proposal hung in the air: Would he become poor to beat George Bush? He said, "If someone guaranteed it."
George Soros, one of the world's richest men, gave away $5 billion to promote his vision in the former Soviet bloc, Africa and Asia. Now he has a new project and that is defeating President Bush. "It is the central focus of my life, Soros said, a matter of life and death."
What do George Soros and the neolibs want? Open ended abortions so that stem cell research centers will be assured of raw materials. This was stated clearly on the T-shirts of several women at the DNC, “I AM PROUD TO HAVE HAD AN ABORTION – IT IS JUST LIKE LIPOSUCTION, BUT FOR KIDS”. They want open marriages between same gender partners. They want liberal Judges appointed to the anticipated 4-6 seats on the Supreme Court soon to be opened. They want a socialized medical system; health care of everyone, only it won’t work and it won’t ever be equitable because the government would be making decisions about our health care. They want any reference to God removed from – well, everything. By his own admission, he is without conscience; a capitalist who functions with absolute amorality.
A bit about Mr. Soros’ motives:
Soros is best known for currency speculation. In 1997 Malaysia's Mahathir Mohamad, identified him for taking part in a highly profitable attack on that nation's currency. In 1997 George Soros was responsible for the destruction of the Thai economy. He is regarded as a kind of Dracula because he sucks the blood from the very core of economies. The Chinese call him "the crocodile," because his economic and ideological efforts in China were so insatiate, and because his financial speculation created millions of dollars in profits as it ravished the Thai and Malaysian economies.
Soros has financed the campaign of the devil himself. He has promised the desires of the neolib’s hearts as the prize. He promises an open society – free from the repressions of the Patriot Act, free from the scrutiny of law enforcement and FBI.
“Sing, dance, smoke pot, use drugs, life is free and we are free to make our own choices.” That is the nirvana Mr. Soros would promise. He knows that he can gain control of the US economy if he can unravel it. Unfortunately, the uneducated, limited minds of Hollywood and the media sheep have become transfixed by the temptations and have joined forces as soldiers in the Soros army. They can’t help themselves, because they are dumb. “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.”
The campaign to elect John Kerry is empty and pointless. The campaign being sponsored and supported by the neolibs is a campaign to get rid of George Bush and that equates to changing the dynamic of the United States of America once and for all and forever.
The list of the misguided grows daily, and today it even included Bruce Springstein. How sad. Fear not, for where there is light there can be no darkness – we can shed light on the lies of the libs, we can win in November, and we can preserve our future, if we work together and don’t allow the carefully crafted distractions to derail us.
http://www.musiciansforkerry.com/ hosts the details.
Did you hear that the director of religious outreach for the Democratic Party resigned this week because of mainstream criticism over her support for removing the words "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance?
What is the connection? Just say “No” to God, sponsored by billionaire, George Soros. While he may not write all of the checks himself, his campaign to oust George Bush has ignited a movement unparalleled in recent decades. The common thread between the entertainers who have stepped into the limelight, the filmmakers who have used their resources to create anti-Bush projects and the liberal media seems to be a shared vision for a godless America.
How deep is George Soros’ hatred for George Bush? When asked if he would trade his $7 billion fortune to unseat Bush, Soros opened his mouth, and then he closed it. For a beat the proposal hung in the air: Would he become poor to beat George Bush? He said, "If someone guaranteed it."
George Soros, one of the world's richest men, gave away $5 billion to promote his vision in the former Soviet bloc, Africa and Asia. Now he has a new project and that is defeating President Bush. "It is the central focus of my life, Soros said, a matter of life and death."
What do George Soros and the neolibs want? Open ended abortions so that stem cell research centers will be assured of raw materials. This was stated clearly on the T-shirts of several women at the DNC, “I AM PROUD TO HAVE HAD AN ABORTION – IT IS JUST LIKE LIPOSUCTION, BUT FOR KIDS”. They want open marriages between same gender partners. They want liberal Judges appointed to the anticipated 4-6 seats on the Supreme Court soon to be opened. They want a socialized medical system; health care of everyone, only it won’t work and it won’t ever be equitable because the government would be making decisions about our health care. They want any reference to God removed from – well, everything. By his own admission, he is without conscience; a capitalist who functions with absolute amorality.
A bit about Mr. Soros’ motives:
Soros is best known for currency speculation. In 1997 Malaysia's Mahathir Mohamad, identified him for taking part in a highly profitable attack on that nation's currency. In 1997 George Soros was responsible for the destruction of the Thai economy. He is regarded as a kind of Dracula because he sucks the blood from the very core of economies. The Chinese call him "the crocodile," because his economic and ideological efforts in China were so insatiate, and because his financial speculation created millions of dollars in profits as it ravished the Thai and Malaysian economies.
Soros has financed the campaign of the devil himself. He has promised the desires of the neolib’s hearts as the prize. He promises an open society – free from the repressions of the Patriot Act, free from the scrutiny of law enforcement and FBI.
“Sing, dance, smoke pot, use drugs, life is free and we are free to make our own choices.” That is the nirvana Mr. Soros would promise. He knows that he can gain control of the US economy if he can unravel it. Unfortunately, the uneducated, limited minds of Hollywood and the media sheep have become transfixed by the temptations and have joined forces as soldiers in the Soros army. They can’t help themselves, because they are dumb. “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.”
The campaign to elect John Kerry is empty and pointless. The campaign being sponsored and supported by the neolibs is a campaign to get rid of George Bush and that equates to changing the dynamic of the United States of America once and for all and forever.
The list of the misguided grows daily, and today it even included Bruce Springstein. How sad. Fear not, for where there is light there can be no darkness – we can shed light on the lies of the libs, we can win in November, and we can preserve our future, if we work together and don’t allow the carefully crafted distractions to derail us.
French Connection
The Washington Times www.washingtontimes.com French connection
By Diana WestPublished August 6, 2004
Whenever Sen. John Kerry rips the Bush administration for "going it alone" in Iraq -- which he does with near-digital regularity -- I cringe. What must our friends around the world think of such Beacon Hill provincialism? Surely, the man's open disdain for allied forces in Iraq, great and small, conveys an alienating lack of diplomatic politesse.
In Mr. Kerry's insistence that the commitment of our allies -- British, Italian, Polish, Ukrainian, Dutch, Australian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Japanese, Thai, Danish and others -- adds up to a big fat zero in a "unilateral" American adventure, he has shown himself bereft of all diplomatic smarts. Talk about an Ugly American. Only this one speaks perfect French. That explains a lot. That is, while the assistance of thirty-odd countries in newly sovereign Iraq isn't exactly chopped liver, the real problem, when it comes to John Kerry, is that it isn't foie gras. In other words, when Mr. Kerry castigates President Bush for acting "solo" in Iraq, what he's really crabbing about is that the United States is acting without France.
For Mr. Kerry and his Francophile set, acting sans France is a major problem, a veritable crisis. Since he is one of two men who will occupy the White House next year, his crisis is our concern. First of all, Americans need to ponder what sort of American leader, to borrow a phrase from former Ambassador Jean Kirkpatrick, always blames America first -- and, in recent times, always blames France last. This is the brave, new philosophical reflex that gives impetus to the Kerry doctrine. In Mr. Kerry's world, Mr. Bush (in concert with Great Britain's Tony Blair) was all wrong to deviate from the policies of La France regarding Saddam Hussein. After veto-empowered France withheld Security Council approval for U.S.-led military action in Iraq, Mr. Bush was all wrong again to defy France, enforce umpteen U.N. Security Council resolutions and actually liberate Iraq -- thus, according to Mr. Kerry, "alienating" our "traditional allies." (Traditional as in Germany? China? Russia?)
But why the Francophilia in the first place? It's true Mr. Kerry has French relatives. His first cousin, Brice Lalonde, is not only mayor of the Brittany resort where Mr. Kerry summered as a boy, but is also a onetime Green Party candidate for president (of France) and a former socialist environmental minister. Far from a matter of divided loyalty, however, Mr. Kerry's attitudes stem from a shared sensibility. Scholar Victor Davis Hanson recently suggested that to square Europe's anti-American rhetoric with its embrace of Valley Girl culture we should regard Western Europeans as "elite Americans." He writes: "Their upscale leisured culture is not much different from Malibu, Austin and Dupont Circle that likewise excuse their crass submission to popular American tastes through the de rigeur slurs about the 'corporations,' 'Bush-Cheney,' and 'Halliburton' ." And, I would add, vice versa. The key to elite Americans, a la John Kerry Democrats, lies in understanding Western Europeans -- probably best exemplified by the French.
It's extraordinary to behold the hatred for Mr. Bush that unifies this Malibu-Austin-Paris axis. Typical is the sentiment of Sen. Ted Kennedy, who, speaking before the Democratic convention, twisted FDR's inspirational words of the Depression into "all we have to fear is four more years of George Bush." This thrilled, no doubt, Western Europe's blue-state-style salons. Why? The answer is startling, one John Kerry himself is unlikely to grasp.
About 30 years ago, historian Bat Ye'or tells us, France initiated a sweeping set of political, cultural and immigration policies designed to align Europe with the Muslim Arab world. This would form what she calls "Eurabia" -- the title of her upcoming book. This alignment "would endow Europe -- and especially France, the project's prime mover -- with a weight and a prestige to rival that of the United States." After September 11, France certainly has thrown that weight around, blocking, when possible, Mr. Bush's visionary efforts to remake the Middle East even as he fights global jihad. In Bat Ye'or's analysis, France-led Europe denies the reality of global jihad, much of which, after 30 years of Muslim immigration, occupies a European battleground.
In this European state of denial -- not altogether dissimilar, I'd say, to Democrats' dismissive attitudes toward global jihad -- the real menace in the world comes from Bush-led America, along with anyone-led Israel. "What must be understood," Bat Ye'or writes, "is that American and Israeli policies of resistance to jihadist terror provoke reprisals against a Europe that has long ago ceased to defend itself. So that peace can prevail throughout the world, those two countries, America and Israel, need only adopt the European strategy of constant surrender, based on the denial of aggression."
Denial of aggression? Constant surrender? Let's hope so goes France, so goes the nation -- or not.
By Diana WestPublished August 6, 2004
Whenever Sen. John Kerry rips the Bush administration for "going it alone" in Iraq -- which he does with near-digital regularity -- I cringe. What must our friends around the world think of such Beacon Hill provincialism? Surely, the man's open disdain for allied forces in Iraq, great and small, conveys an alienating lack of diplomatic politesse.
In Mr. Kerry's insistence that the commitment of our allies -- British, Italian, Polish, Ukrainian, Dutch, Australian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Japanese, Thai, Danish and others -- adds up to a big fat zero in a "unilateral" American adventure, he has shown himself bereft of all diplomatic smarts. Talk about an Ugly American. Only this one speaks perfect French. That explains a lot. That is, while the assistance of thirty-odd countries in newly sovereign Iraq isn't exactly chopped liver, the real problem, when it comes to John Kerry, is that it isn't foie gras. In other words, when Mr. Kerry castigates President Bush for acting "solo" in Iraq, what he's really crabbing about is that the United States is acting without France.
For Mr. Kerry and his Francophile set, acting sans France is a major problem, a veritable crisis. Since he is one of two men who will occupy the White House next year, his crisis is our concern. First of all, Americans need to ponder what sort of American leader, to borrow a phrase from former Ambassador Jean Kirkpatrick, always blames America first -- and, in recent times, always blames France last. This is the brave, new philosophical reflex that gives impetus to the Kerry doctrine. In Mr. Kerry's world, Mr. Bush (in concert with Great Britain's Tony Blair) was all wrong to deviate from the policies of La France regarding Saddam Hussein. After veto-empowered France withheld Security Council approval for U.S.-led military action in Iraq, Mr. Bush was all wrong again to defy France, enforce umpteen U.N. Security Council resolutions and actually liberate Iraq -- thus, according to Mr. Kerry, "alienating" our "traditional allies." (Traditional as in Germany? China? Russia?)
But why the Francophilia in the first place? It's true Mr. Kerry has French relatives. His first cousin, Brice Lalonde, is not only mayor of the Brittany resort where Mr. Kerry summered as a boy, but is also a onetime Green Party candidate for president (of France) and a former socialist environmental minister. Far from a matter of divided loyalty, however, Mr. Kerry's attitudes stem from a shared sensibility. Scholar Victor Davis Hanson recently suggested that to square Europe's anti-American rhetoric with its embrace of Valley Girl culture we should regard Western Europeans as "elite Americans." He writes: "Their upscale leisured culture is not much different from Malibu, Austin and Dupont Circle that likewise excuse their crass submission to popular American tastes through the de rigeur slurs about the 'corporations,' 'Bush-Cheney,' and 'Halliburton' ." And, I would add, vice versa. The key to elite Americans, a la John Kerry Democrats, lies in understanding Western Europeans -- probably best exemplified by the French.
It's extraordinary to behold the hatred for Mr. Bush that unifies this Malibu-Austin-Paris axis. Typical is the sentiment of Sen. Ted Kennedy, who, speaking before the Democratic convention, twisted FDR's inspirational words of the Depression into "all we have to fear is four more years of George Bush." This thrilled, no doubt, Western Europe's blue-state-style salons. Why? The answer is startling, one John Kerry himself is unlikely to grasp.
About 30 years ago, historian Bat Ye'or tells us, France initiated a sweeping set of political, cultural and immigration policies designed to align Europe with the Muslim Arab world. This would form what she calls "Eurabia" -- the title of her upcoming book. This alignment "would endow Europe -- and especially France, the project's prime mover -- with a weight and a prestige to rival that of the United States." After September 11, France certainly has thrown that weight around, blocking, when possible, Mr. Bush's visionary efforts to remake the Middle East even as he fights global jihad. In Bat Ye'or's analysis, France-led Europe denies the reality of global jihad, much of which, after 30 years of Muslim immigration, occupies a European battleground.
In this European state of denial -- not altogether dissimilar, I'd say, to Democrats' dismissive attitudes toward global jihad -- the real menace in the world comes from Bush-led America, along with anyone-led Israel. "What must be understood," Bat Ye'or writes, "is that American and Israeli policies of resistance to jihadist terror provoke reprisals against a Europe that has long ago ceased to defend itself. So that peace can prevail throughout the world, those two countries, America and Israel, need only adopt the European strategy of constant surrender, based on the denial of aggression."
Denial of aggression? Constant surrender? Let's hope so goes France, so goes the nation -- or not.
Thursday, August 05, 2004
Oh Buga Buga We Are So Afraid!
Thursday, August 5, 2004
ELECTION 2004 Dems press TV stations to shun vets' ad
DNC, Kerry campaign warn of 'libel' by Vietnam colleagues
Posted: August 5, 20045:47 p.m. Eastern© 2004 WorldNetDaily.com
Lawyers for the Democratic National Committee and Sen. John Kerry's presidential campaign have faxed a letter to television station managers warning them not to broadcast an ad by Kerry's Vietnam colleagues which asserts the candidate is lying about his service during the war.The letter, posted by Human Events Online [Requires PDF viewer], tells the managers if they decide to air the ad they are "responsible for the false and libelous charges" made by the group, Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.As WorldNetDaily reported, the new TV commercial is a montage of remarks from a number of veterans who accuse Kerry of misrepresenting his actions for medals and attack his character.
The letter is signed by Kerry-Edwards 2004 general counsel Marc Elias and Democratic National Committee general counsel Joseph Sandler.The lawyers say the advertisement "contains statements by men who purport to have served on Senator Kerry's SWIFT Boat in Vietnam and one statement by a man pretending to be the doctor who treated Senator Kerry for one of his injuries.""In fact," the lawyers contend, "not a single one of the men who pretend to have served with Senator Kerry was actually a crewmate of Senator Kerry's and the man pretending to be his doctor was not.""The entire advertisement, therefore," the letter states, "is an inflammatory, outrageous lie."
The vets in the ad, however, do not claim to have been members of Kerry's crew but say they served with him in his unit or were in the Naval chain of command.Some, including crew members on swift boats that went on missions with Kerry, say they were witnesses of events related to his medals.The lawyers call Swift Boat Veterans for the Truth a "sham organization spearheaded by a Texas corporate media consultant."The swift-boats group, which says it has the support of more than 250 veterans, claims only one of 23 surviving commanders who served with Kerry believes he is fit to be commander in chief.
The "Band of Brothers" that has backed Kerry on the campaign trail is comprised of nine of the 10 crew members who served under him on two separate boats. The 10th crew member, Steve Gardner, a gunner's mate, strongly backs the contentions of Swift Boat Veterans for the Truth.
Bandaid wound?The lawyer's letter asserts the doctor, Louis Letson, "was not a crewmate of Senator Kerry's and was not the physician who actually signed Senator Kerry's sick call sheet."Letson has never said he was a crewmate, and a Swift Boats spokesman pointed out sick call sheets usually are signed by an orderly, not the doctor.In the ad, Letson is identified as "lieutenant commander, medical center.""I know John Kerry is lying about his first Purple Heart because I treated him for that injury," Letson says before the camera.The lawyers note Letson, according to news reports, "did not record his 'memories' of the incident until after Senator Kerry became a candidate for president in 2003."
As WorldNetDaily reported, Letson said the wound that made John Kerry eligible for the first of three Purple Hearts was not severe enough to warrant consideration.Kerry came to sick bay for treatment Dec. 3, 1968, one day after arriving back from a patrol north of Cam Ranh, Letson said in a written statement."The story [Kerry] told was different from what his crewmen had to say about that night," Letson said. "According to Kerry, they had been engaged in a fire fight, receiving small arms fire from on shore. He said that his injury resulted from this enemy action."Crew members, however, told Letson the injury was caused by a grenade launcher fired at close range to rocks on shore, which caused a small piece of metal to stick "very superficially in the skin of Kerry’s arm," about one centimeter in length and two or three millimeters in diameter."I simply removed the piece of metal by lifting it out of the skin with forceps," Letson said, noting it penetrated no more than three or four millimeters."It did not require probing to find it, did not require any anesthesia to remove it, and did not require any sutures to close the wound," he said."The wound was covered with a bandaid."
Letson said he remembers "J. C. (Jess) Carreon was present at the time and he, in fact, made the entry into Lt. Kerry’s medical record which has only recently been made available to the public."'Unequivocally false'"The statements made by the phony 'crewmates' and 'doctor' who appear in the advertisement are also totally, demonstrably and unequivocally false, and libelous," the lawyers contend."In particular, the advertisement charges that Senator Kerry 'lied to get his Bronze Star,'" they write. "Just as falsely, it states that 'he lied before the Senate.'
These are serious allegations of actual crimes -- specifically of lying to the United States government in the conduct of its official business."The lawyers tell station managers they are not obligated to air the ad because Swift Boat Vets is not a federal candidate or candidate committee and therefore subject to FCC "use" rules."Moreover," they say, "as a licensee, you have an overriding duty to protect this public from false, misleading or deceptive advertising."Under these circumstances, your station may not responsibly air this advertisement. We request that your station act immediately to prevent broadcasts of this advertisement and deny any future sale of time. Knowing that the advertisement is false, and possessing the legal authority to refuse to run it, your station should exercise that authority in the public interest."
The lawyers conclude: "Please contact us promptly at either of the phone numbers below to advise us regarding the status of this advertisement."
ELECTION 2004 Dems press TV stations to shun vets' ad
DNC, Kerry campaign warn of 'libel' by Vietnam colleagues
Posted: August 5, 20045:47 p.m. Eastern© 2004 WorldNetDaily.com
Lawyers for the Democratic National Committee and Sen. John Kerry's presidential campaign have faxed a letter to television station managers warning them not to broadcast an ad by Kerry's Vietnam colleagues which asserts the candidate is lying about his service during the war.The letter, posted by Human Events Online [Requires PDF viewer], tells the managers if they decide to air the ad they are "responsible for the false and libelous charges" made by the group, Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.As WorldNetDaily reported, the new TV commercial is a montage of remarks from a number of veterans who accuse Kerry of misrepresenting his actions for medals and attack his character.
The letter is signed by Kerry-Edwards 2004 general counsel Marc Elias and Democratic National Committee general counsel Joseph Sandler.The lawyers say the advertisement "contains statements by men who purport to have served on Senator Kerry's SWIFT Boat in Vietnam and one statement by a man pretending to be the doctor who treated Senator Kerry for one of his injuries.""In fact," the lawyers contend, "not a single one of the men who pretend to have served with Senator Kerry was actually a crewmate of Senator Kerry's and the man pretending to be his doctor was not.""The entire advertisement, therefore," the letter states, "is an inflammatory, outrageous lie."
The vets in the ad, however, do not claim to have been members of Kerry's crew but say they served with him in his unit or were in the Naval chain of command.Some, including crew members on swift boats that went on missions with Kerry, say they were witnesses of events related to his medals.The lawyers call Swift Boat Veterans for the Truth a "sham organization spearheaded by a Texas corporate media consultant."The swift-boats group, which says it has the support of more than 250 veterans, claims only one of 23 surviving commanders who served with Kerry believes he is fit to be commander in chief.
The "Band of Brothers" that has backed Kerry on the campaign trail is comprised of nine of the 10 crew members who served under him on two separate boats. The 10th crew member, Steve Gardner, a gunner's mate, strongly backs the contentions of Swift Boat Veterans for the Truth.
Bandaid wound?The lawyer's letter asserts the doctor, Louis Letson, "was not a crewmate of Senator Kerry's and was not the physician who actually signed Senator Kerry's sick call sheet."Letson has never said he was a crewmate, and a Swift Boats spokesman pointed out sick call sheets usually are signed by an orderly, not the doctor.In the ad, Letson is identified as "lieutenant commander, medical center.""I know John Kerry is lying about his first Purple Heart because I treated him for that injury," Letson says before the camera.The lawyers note Letson, according to news reports, "did not record his 'memories' of the incident until after Senator Kerry became a candidate for president in 2003."
As WorldNetDaily reported, Letson said the wound that made John Kerry eligible for the first of three Purple Hearts was not severe enough to warrant consideration.Kerry came to sick bay for treatment Dec. 3, 1968, one day after arriving back from a patrol north of Cam Ranh, Letson said in a written statement."The story [Kerry] told was different from what his crewmen had to say about that night," Letson said. "According to Kerry, they had been engaged in a fire fight, receiving small arms fire from on shore. He said that his injury resulted from this enemy action."Crew members, however, told Letson the injury was caused by a grenade launcher fired at close range to rocks on shore, which caused a small piece of metal to stick "very superficially in the skin of Kerry’s arm," about one centimeter in length and two or three millimeters in diameter."I simply removed the piece of metal by lifting it out of the skin with forceps," Letson said, noting it penetrated no more than three or four millimeters."It did not require probing to find it, did not require any anesthesia to remove it, and did not require any sutures to close the wound," he said."The wound was covered with a bandaid."
Letson said he remembers "J. C. (Jess) Carreon was present at the time and he, in fact, made the entry into Lt. Kerry’s medical record which has only recently been made available to the public."'Unequivocally false'"The statements made by the phony 'crewmates' and 'doctor' who appear in the advertisement are also totally, demonstrably and unequivocally false, and libelous," the lawyers contend."In particular, the advertisement charges that Senator Kerry 'lied to get his Bronze Star,'" they write. "Just as falsely, it states that 'he lied before the Senate.'
These are serious allegations of actual crimes -- specifically of lying to the United States government in the conduct of its official business."The lawyers tell station managers they are not obligated to air the ad because Swift Boat Vets is not a federal candidate or candidate committee and therefore subject to FCC "use" rules."Moreover," they say, "as a licensee, you have an overriding duty to protect this public from false, misleading or deceptive advertising."Under these circumstances, your station may not responsibly air this advertisement. We request that your station act immediately to prevent broadcasts of this advertisement and deny any future sale of time. Knowing that the advertisement is false, and possessing the legal authority to refuse to run it, your station should exercise that authority in the public interest."
The lawyers conclude: "Please contact us promptly at either of the phone numbers below to advise us regarding the status of this advertisement."
Wednesday, August 04, 2004
ACLU on Pizza - O
Click onto the following website and prepare yourself for a heart attack. This is the ACLU at its finest. It is no wonder that a fool like Moore could get away with his factitious propaganda when we have organizations spewing the kind of tactics being presented on the following website:
Please note that some of the basic information may be correct. Our airlines do provide the INS and Homeland Security with information about passengers. That is how we catch and detain Visa overstay tourists, people on international watch lists and the bad guys.
Please note that some of the basic information may be correct. Our airlines do provide the INS and Homeland Security with information about passengers. That is how we catch and detain Visa overstay tourists, people on international watch lists and the bad guys.
Mrs. John Kerry
Regardless of your party preference, this is interesting, and surprising, reading.
Following is a brief background on Mrs. John Kerry. She hates being called that, by the way:
Maria Teresa Thiersten Simoes-Ferreira Heinz Kerry.
Married SenatorKerry in 1995.
She only took his name eighteen months ago and she is an "interesting" paradox of conflicts.
If you thought John Kerry was scary, he doesn't hold a candle to his wife! Maria Teresa Thiersten Simoes-Ferreira Heinz Kerry was born in Mozambique, the daughter of a Portuguese physician, was educated in Switzerland and South Africa . Fluent in five languages, she was working as a United Nations interpreter in Geneva in the mid-60's when she met a "handsome" young American, H. John Heinz, III, who worked at a bank in Geneva . He told her his family was "in the food business." They were married in 1966 and returned to Pittsburgh where his>family ran the giant H. J. Heinz food company. He was elected to the US House of Representatives in 1971, and in 1976 he was elected to the first of three terms in the United States Senate. A Republican, he wrote a burning diatribe against some of the causes backed by young House member John Kerry.)
Several years later, in 1991, he was killed when his plane collided with a Sun Oil Company helicopter over a Philadelphia suburb. The senator, his pilot and copilot, and both of Sun's helicopter pilots were killed. He was survived by his wife, Teresa, and their three young sons. Four years later, having inherited Heinz's $500 million fortune, she married Senator John Forbes Kerry, the liberal then-junior senator from Massachusetts . She became a registered Democrat and the process of her radicalization was set in motion. Heinz Kerry is not shy about telling people that she required Kerry to sign a prenuptial agreement before they were married. John Kerry may not have check writing privileges on the Heinz catsup and pickle fortune, but he is certainly a willing and uncomplaining beneficiary of it.
A lot of hard-earned money, made through many years of hawking catsup, mustard, and pickles has fallen into the hands of two people who despise successful entrepreneurship and who believe in the confiscatory redistribution of wealth. So how does Mrs. Heinz Kerry spend John Heinz's money?
Just one example: According to the G2 Bulletin, an online intelligence newsletter of WorldNetDaily, in the years between 1995-2001 she gave more than $4 million to an organization called the Tides Foundation. And what does the Tides Foundation do with John Heinz's money? They support numerous antiwar groups, including Ramsey Clark's International Action Center . Clark has offered to defend Saddam Hussein when he's tried. They support the Democratic Justice Fund, a joint venture of the Tides Foundation and billionaire hate-monger George Soros. The Democratic Justice Fund seeks to ease restrictions on Muslim immigration from "terrorist" states. They support the Council for American-Islamic Relations, whose leaders are known to have close ties to the terrorist group, Hamas. They support the National Lawyers Guild, organized as a communist >front during the Cold War era. One of their attorneys, Lynne Stewart, has been arrested for helping a client, Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, communicate with terror cells in Egypt . He is the convicted mastermind of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. They support the "Barrio Warriors," a radical Hispanic group whose primary goal is to return all of Arizona, California, New Mexico, and Texas to Mexico . These are but a few of the radical groups that benefit, through the anonymity provided by the Tides Foundation, from the generosity of our would-be first lady, the wealthy widow of Republican senator John Heinz, and now the wife of the Democratic senator who aspires to be the 44th President of the United States .
Aiding and supporting our enemies is not good for America , regardless of your political views. If voters will open their eyes, educate themselves and see the real Teresa Heinz Kerry, they will not appreciate her position as ultra rich fairy godmother of the radical left. They will not want to imagine her laying her head on a pillow each night inches away from the President of the United States . Hopefully they love this country enough to decide that the only way these two will ever be allowed into the White House is with an engraved invitation in hand.
Instead of deleting this, pass it on. Let everyone know these people are unfit to represent this great nation. The uninformed will never hear the truth from the press, who wants Kerry elected! Those who buy the Kerry facade, beware what you vote for - - - you may regret that you got it!
Following is a brief background on Mrs. John Kerry. She hates being called that, by the way:
Maria Teresa Thiersten Simoes-Ferreira Heinz Kerry.
Married SenatorKerry in 1995.
She only took his name eighteen months ago and she is an "interesting" paradox of conflicts.
If you thought John Kerry was scary, he doesn't hold a candle to his wife! Maria Teresa Thiersten Simoes-Ferreira Heinz Kerry was born in Mozambique, the daughter of a Portuguese physician, was educated in Switzerland and South Africa . Fluent in five languages, she was working as a United Nations interpreter in Geneva in the mid-60's when she met a "handsome" young American, H. John Heinz, III, who worked at a bank in Geneva . He told her his family was "in the food business." They were married in 1966 and returned to Pittsburgh where his>family ran the giant H. J. Heinz food company. He was elected to the US House of Representatives in 1971, and in 1976 he was elected to the first of three terms in the United States Senate. A Republican, he wrote a burning diatribe against some of the causes backed by young House member John Kerry.)
Several years later, in 1991, he was killed when his plane collided with a Sun Oil Company helicopter over a Philadelphia suburb. The senator, his pilot and copilot, and both of Sun's helicopter pilots were killed. He was survived by his wife, Teresa, and their three young sons. Four years later, having inherited Heinz's $500 million fortune, she married Senator John Forbes Kerry, the liberal then-junior senator from Massachusetts . She became a registered Democrat and the process of her radicalization was set in motion. Heinz Kerry is not shy about telling people that she required Kerry to sign a prenuptial agreement before they were married. John Kerry may not have check writing privileges on the Heinz catsup and pickle fortune, but he is certainly a willing and uncomplaining beneficiary of it.
A lot of hard-earned money, made through many years of hawking catsup, mustard, and pickles has fallen into the hands of two people who despise successful entrepreneurship and who believe in the confiscatory redistribution of wealth. So how does Mrs. Heinz Kerry spend John Heinz's money?
Just one example: According to the G2 Bulletin, an online intelligence newsletter of WorldNetDaily, in the years between 1995-2001 she gave more than $4 million to an organization called the Tides Foundation. And what does the Tides Foundation do with John Heinz's money? They support numerous antiwar groups, including Ramsey Clark's International Action Center . Clark has offered to defend Saddam Hussein when he's tried. They support the Democratic Justice Fund, a joint venture of the Tides Foundation and billionaire hate-monger George Soros. The Democratic Justice Fund seeks to ease restrictions on Muslim immigration from "terrorist" states. They support the Council for American-Islamic Relations, whose leaders are known to have close ties to the terrorist group, Hamas. They support the National Lawyers Guild, organized as a communist >front during the Cold War era. One of their attorneys, Lynne Stewart, has been arrested for helping a client, Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, communicate with terror cells in Egypt . He is the convicted mastermind of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. They support the "Barrio Warriors," a radical Hispanic group whose primary goal is to return all of Arizona, California, New Mexico, and Texas to Mexico . These are but a few of the radical groups that benefit, through the anonymity provided by the Tides Foundation, from the generosity of our would-be first lady, the wealthy widow of Republican senator John Heinz, and now the wife of the Democratic senator who aspires to be the 44th President of the United States .
Aiding and supporting our enemies is not good for America , regardless of your political views. If voters will open their eyes, educate themselves and see the real Teresa Heinz Kerry, they will not appreciate her position as ultra rich fairy godmother of the radical left. They will not want to imagine her laying her head on a pillow each night inches away from the President of the United States . Hopefully they love this country enough to decide that the only way these two will ever be allowed into the White House is with an engraved invitation in hand.
Instead of deleting this, pass it on. Let everyone know these people are unfit to represent this great nation. The uninformed will never hear the truth from the press, who wants Kerry elected! Those who buy the Kerry facade, beware what you vote for - - - you may regret that you got it!
Former POWs Reject Kerry's Bid
Washington Times August 4, 2004 Pg. 4
Former POWs Reject Kerry's Bid
By Richard Tomkins, United Press International
Sen. John Kerry's bid to become commander in chief of wartime America has opened old wounds among some former Vietnam-era prisoners of war who bristle over the Massachusetts Democrat's anti-war activism.His activities and statements, pushed out of sight by a campaign that spotlights Mr. Kerry's service in Vietnam, were used by the POWs' North Vietnamese captors to sap the morale of prisoners and U.S. troops still in the field in South Vietnam, say former POWs."They were always talking about [anti-war demonstrations], and they picked right up on Kerry's throwaway line, 'Don't be the last man to die in a lost cause, or die for a lost cause,'" said Kenneth Cordier, an Air Force pilot who spent 2,284 days as a prisoner.
"They repeated that incessantly."They used these photographs and inputs, voice tapes, whatever, from these peace people to try to convince us the whole country had turned anti-war and we were showing a very bad attitude and would never go home."Jim Warner, a prisoner of the North Vietnamese in the Hoa Lo prison complex — known to U.S. servicemen as the Hanoi Hilton — does remember.
In 1971, a North Vietnamese guard and interrogator nicknamed "Boris" by the prisoners pulled papers from his pocket and gave them to Mr. Warner to think about, he said.Apart from clippings from a leftist newspaper in the United States, there was a typewritten transcript of Mr. Kerry's testimony before a U.S. Senate panel in which he repeated charges that U.S. troops were committing atrocities routinely, attacked the war and said communism was not a threat in Vietnam.Mr. Warner said Mr. Kerry and the Vietnam Veterans Against the War, which had staged large demonstrations in Washington, were often mentioned in the radio broadcasts that played incessantly over the camp's loudspeakers. Mr. Cordier doesn't recall Mr. Kerry's name being used in interrogations, propaganda broadcasts on radio or during "attitude checks" — political indoctrination sessions.But he said he remembers the North Vietnamese using photographs of war veterans throwing military medals over the White House fence.
Mr. Cordier and Mr. Warner said that although the war protest propaganda was sometimes disheartening, the North Vietnamese failed in their attempts to use it to break the prisoners' will."It didn't make us want to give up, it just made us feel discouraged that there were people who felt that way about us," Mr. Warner said.During the Democratic National Convention in Boston last week, many anti-Kerry veterans' groups participated in demonstrations opposing his campaign for the nation's top job. Other groups are planning more demonstrations.
Mr. Cordier said he is bothered not just by Mr. Kerry's anti-war past, but his record till now, including his voting against funds for troops in Iraq."The measure of a person's character is their whole history up until the present," Mr. Cordier said.
Former POWs Reject Kerry's Bid
By Richard Tomkins, United Press International
Sen. John Kerry's bid to become commander in chief of wartime America has opened old wounds among some former Vietnam-era prisoners of war who bristle over the Massachusetts Democrat's anti-war activism.His activities and statements, pushed out of sight by a campaign that spotlights Mr. Kerry's service in Vietnam, were used by the POWs' North Vietnamese captors to sap the morale of prisoners and U.S. troops still in the field in South Vietnam, say former POWs."They were always talking about [anti-war demonstrations], and they picked right up on Kerry's throwaway line, 'Don't be the last man to die in a lost cause, or die for a lost cause,'" said Kenneth Cordier, an Air Force pilot who spent 2,284 days as a prisoner.
"They repeated that incessantly."They used these photographs and inputs, voice tapes, whatever, from these peace people to try to convince us the whole country had turned anti-war and we were showing a very bad attitude and would never go home."Jim Warner, a prisoner of the North Vietnamese in the Hoa Lo prison complex — known to U.S. servicemen as the Hanoi Hilton — does remember.
In 1971, a North Vietnamese guard and interrogator nicknamed "Boris" by the prisoners pulled papers from his pocket and gave them to Mr. Warner to think about, he said.Apart from clippings from a leftist newspaper in the United States, there was a typewritten transcript of Mr. Kerry's testimony before a U.S. Senate panel in which he repeated charges that U.S. troops were committing atrocities routinely, attacked the war and said communism was not a threat in Vietnam.Mr. Warner said Mr. Kerry and the Vietnam Veterans Against the War, which had staged large demonstrations in Washington, were often mentioned in the radio broadcasts that played incessantly over the camp's loudspeakers. Mr. Cordier doesn't recall Mr. Kerry's name being used in interrogations, propaganda broadcasts on radio or during "attitude checks" — political indoctrination sessions.But he said he remembers the North Vietnamese using photographs of war veterans throwing military medals over the White House fence.
Mr. Cordier and Mr. Warner said that although the war protest propaganda was sometimes disheartening, the North Vietnamese failed in their attempts to use it to break the prisoners' will."It didn't make us want to give up, it just made us feel discouraged that there were people who felt that way about us," Mr. Warner said.During the Democratic National Convention in Boston last week, many anti-Kerry veterans' groups participated in demonstrations opposing his campaign for the nation's top job. Other groups are planning more demonstrations.
Mr. Cordier said he is bothered not just by Mr. Kerry's anti-war past, but his record till now, including his voting against funds for troops in Iraq."The measure of a person's character is their whole history up until the present," Mr. Cordier said.
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