Sunday, August 08, 2004

Obama and Mephisto - O

Obama’s Faustian Bargain with Mephisto

Why should you support Alan Keyes as Republican candidate for the Illinois Senate? Keyes announced today that he will run against heavily favored Barack Obama, the up-and-coming Democratic Party star?

Not long after George Soros made his ridiculous statements comparing Abu Ghraib with the terrorist attacks on 9/11, Barack Obama, the Democratic candidate for the Senate in Illinois, rushed to join Soros in New York for a fund-raiser on June 7th.

They met at Soros' home, where Obama's received Soros’ personal commitment to his campaign and a large infusion of cash from the Soros family. Prior to meeting with Soros, Obama (not related to Osama) was facing a viable challenge from Republican Jack Ryan. Coincidence that within a short time of their meeting that news broke leaking very personal, and intimate information from Ryan's divorce records? Doubtful, since the potential for personal embarrassment caused Ryan to drop out of the Senate race. Shaking Ryan from the race in order to clear the path for Obama was a doctrinaire matter of business for the Soros machine.

As a result of making his deal with Soros (a.k.a. the devil) Obama joined a growing list of candidates receiving contributions from George Soros. The list includes Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle, D-S.D.; Sens. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y.; Bob Graham, D-Fla.; John Kerry, D-Mass.; Patrick Leahy, D-Vt.; U.S. Rep. Tom Lantos; and former Vermont governor Howard Dean. However it appears that Obama’s political aspirations seemed to be focused more nationally than they do on Illinois, especially if you look at some of the money he's taken from left-coast liberals."

"Why did George support Obama?" "Barack Obama has an extremely liberal voting record. According to Cathy Santos, co-founder of the Chicago-based Republican Young Professionals, "He's more of a socialist than he is even a Democrat. A lot of his policies have the government taking care of people. Instead of giving people a leg up, he would rather give them a leg.” Santos also said if Obama got his way, “ the U.S. health care system would be worse than what Hillary Clinton proposed after her husband was elected president. Voters should be wary of Obama's "any time, anywhere" stance on abortion.”

Obama fits the Soros plan to unravel our country from within. Obama received a bigger bounce from the DNC than did Sen. Kerry. Obama is heading for 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, one way or the other. He appears to have made his choice regarding the pathway he is willing to pursue. He and Soros will use the emotional race card with the black population and to a certain extent other minorities to create a groundswell of support from within the ranks of the common man. He is handsome, articulate, and flamboyant. Forget the fact that he sold his soul to the devil; the liberal media, the Soros machine and Hollywood won’t let that dirty little secret become known.

Get this message to everyone you know, and ask for their support whether Illinois resident or not. At the very least, Alan Keyes can use our moral, emotional and if possible, financial support.

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