Sunday, October 10, 2004

Kerry Bashing Faith? - O

Sunday, October 10th, 2004

The man is totally out of his element!

Today Sen. Kerry offered a judgment of "some people's faith" and faith based motives and actions while attending a church service during his campaign.

He stood before the congregation and media cameras and said that "Some people seem talk about their faith, but do not have the works to support their faith, and faith without works is dead faith." He went on to state that his faith is supported by works.

Is he out of his mind? His statement implies that anyone who does not believe what he does, is wrong in their faith. What on earth is his problem? How can this person sit in judgment over other people? Is he my god?

Do I need to be Christian, Catholic, Jewish? Was he implying that the Muslim faith is wrong?

I can not help but wonder, who is "in" and who is "out" according to John Kerry? Why on earth would a man who is campaigning on the promise to unite, take a direct "hit" on people for their faith based beliefs because they happen to fall outside of the limited parameters of his own?

"Judge not lest ye be judged, Senator." If the America wanted a religious candidate they would have nominated Jesse Jackson.

Am I the only person offended by his hateful statement?

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