Saturday, July 31, 2004

The Biggest Liar of Them All

By David Horowitz
FrontPageMagazine.comJuly 30, 2004

Now we can understand why Democrats spent the last year attacking thePresident as someone who lied to take America into an unnecessary war anddestroy brave young American lives for his corporate friends in Texas. Theydid it to disarm and anesthetize us, to deconstruct the very idea of whattruth is or what a fact is or what "is" is -- and prepare us for the mostshameless charade in political memory, the phoniest convention for thephoniest party ever to mount an American electoral stage.In Boston the Democrats -- the party of Al Sharpton, Jimmy Carter, TeddyKennedy and Michael Moore -- presented themselves as the party of patriotismand military glory and American military strength, and John Kerry as a manwhose life has been one long preparation to be commander-in-chief. "I amJohn Kerry," he saluted his audience to begin his convention speech,"reporting for duty."

Pardon me while I hurl. This is a man who came backfrom Vietnam to stab not only his country but his comrades-in-arms in theback. This is a man who to this very day has an honored place in theCommunist enemy's "War Crimes Museum" -- that's American war crimes. This isa party and a wannabe commander in chief that has clamored and voted tooppose America's wars in Vietnam, the Persian Gulf and in Iraq. This is aparty and a commander in chief that lent comfort and aid to Communistdictators in Central America during the last years of the Cold War andnearly brought the Reagan presidency down for attempting to oppose theCommunist tide.This is a man and a party that voted to cut America's military and itsintelligence services year after year, a man and a party who refused toinstitute the security measures that would have prevented 9/11. And this is a man and a party that has sabotaged the war on terror since the day Baghdadwas liberated, that has embraced the reprehensible traitor Michael Moore,and the antiwar left of the Dean campaign, that has spread monstrous liesabout its commander in chief and in doing so undermined the nation'scredibility and defenses.

If another terrorist state were to become athreatening nuclear force (Iran comes immediately to mind) what Americanpresident can now face that enemy down with a credible military threat?This is a party that from the beginning to the end of its conventionpretended to be what it is not. And that is because it fears that Americanpeople already know what it is.

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