Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Hollytics - O


Our founding fathers artfully crafted a Constitution that separated Church from State. It was and remains germane. Unfortunately they were unable to foresee the need for separation of State from Hollywood.

The opening of Madonna’s concert in Los Angeles featured the blood of George Bush being poured onto Saddam Hussein with unconstructive graphic images mixed with Christian philosophy. The concert ended with Madonna’s voice over demeaning the United States with claims that the flag represents a nation of people who are themselves terrorists, in so many words. The crowd in the stadium seemed unaffected by her opening, enchanted by her performance and unanimously opposed her finale. Her performance the following night was cancelled. Love the performance, loathe the politics.

Michael Moore grabbed the coveted 1st prize at the Cannes Film Festival for his latest artistic attack on morality, decency and the motives of the United States; Fahrenheit 911. Susan Sarandon and Sally Fields rally for the rights of female borders hoppers, illegally pouring into this country from Mexico. Alec Baldwin (now there’s a winner) actively campaigns along with Steven Spielberg, Barbara Streisand and other Hollywood liberals using their actor marquee as a platform for politics. Actors, musicians, singers, and dancers, have taken it upon themselves to integrate Hollywood with State matters. And we allow it, support it and continue to pay hard earned money
(with gas prices so very high) for their wrap.

I did not elect the Dixie Chicks, I did not wish to hear their flap about George Bush, and apparently neither did millions of Americans who immediately made their voices heard. Within days, their music was off the air and they were punished in a manner fitting for the vile behavior – it cost them money, and momentum and they learned that Americans are not sheep. Ditto for Howard Stern. The people spoke and he was silenced.

Americans demonstrated their power by uniting poignantly in support of Mel Gibson’s “Passion of Christ”. This is important, not because the film was great, or even good, but rather because Hollywood and the liberal media sheep tried to kill the film before it was released. Their efforts failed, because “we the people” had our own point of view; $1/2 billion dollars worth of box office point of view.

The Catholic Church recently mandated that politicians who live their lives and support lifestyles against the teachings of the Church might not be able to participate in the Church’s sacraments. Harsh, yes; but boldly in support of the Church’s convictions. The media seized on this immediately against the Church’s position.

If “we the people” continue to support Hollywood, the media, and other groups blatantly campaigning against the very foundation of this great nation, then “we the people” are permitting the unraveling of our own society and the moral structure that binds it.

We can be sheep and be lead by the media or we can be Shepherd’s and lead this nation back onto a course where media is unbiased. Hollywood is pure entertainment; Steven Spielberg does not of the people, by the people and for the people, produce our government.
Like him or not, George Bush stands behind his convictions. He stays the course, and does not waiver. He is not influenced by the liberal media. Our brave men and women have given their lives and their commitment for our freedom. Today there are some may be too young to serve; other may be too old or unable for another reason. None among us is too lame to stand behind our convictions and opposed to Hollywood’s menacing attempts to influence our destiny.

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