Friday, May 18, 2007

Why are our policitians so polarized? - O

The answer is money. Controlling the money, the flow of money and the purchasing power of money has become the primary objective of politicians. Control over businesses and industry translates to money, control over oil equates to profits which translates to money, and on and on. The duplicitous campaign speeches and advertising are all geared to generate more control over the flow of money.

As I have stated in a previous posting, Harry Reid, for example, is the loudest horn blower for the Democrat’s Trojan horse on withdrawing the troops. He toots his horn to Bring The Troops Home Now! Yet, the only person foolish enough to actually believe that a plan to bring the troops home is viable is John Edwards. His lack of real political experience and complete void of connections to the DC good ‘ol boys club would place him in a more target centric position than Jimmy Carter found himself in. Edwards is predestined to fail in his bid for the White House. John Edward’s is all about money. He is supported by the American Trial Lawyer’s Association – made his money suing doctors and hospitals and consults for wealthy hedge funds, but Harry is all too happy to ride on Edward’s far left, liberal stance on Iraq.

However, there is absolutely no way that the Democrats would leave the oil revenues on the table in Iraq. But their disinformation machine has, again, done a better job than the conservatives at bringing a palatable message to the voters. And the Dems are counting on the “withdraw” the troops rhetoric to sell the day in 11/08. They just need to get the Republican’s hands off of the control of the oil, and the money.

The global warming debate is another red herring. It’s all about money. Any politician who is not currently a part of the oil mafia has seized the opportunity to scare the heck out of Americans as they are heavily lobbying and investing in the alternative energy research and programs. Most of which require huge petroleum resources to produce. But the plan to open up another huge income source has motivated the “proselytizers” spread the end of the world message. Doom and gloom are approaching unless we, not they, support the global warming farce.

Immigration has caused another split in Washington because of money. Open the borders between Canada, Mexico and the US has been a long term plan of many administrations. Ted Kennedy doesn’t care about little Mexican kids getting a proper education or health care, he cares about being able to make millions of dollars on the one currency plan between the three countries and the oil revenues which the US will share with Mexico. George Bush has taken a leap to bring the US, Canada and Mexico into a comparable position as the European countries did in forming the EU. Opening the borders to Mexicans is the next step toward the one world government concept pushed and supported by George Bush, Sr.

The answer to the question is that the movement toward a one world government which will control all of the money is causing the politicians to scramble for their positions in the food chain. The scrambling makes them appear to be fractured and insane – which perhaps they are.

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