Monday, August 01, 2005

The Bus Bitch! - O

Every actor’s greatest fear is obscurity. The day they are not acknowledged for“something” their fragile egos crack like Humpty Dumpty’s eggshell, and often there is no putting it all back together again.

Jane who?

The aging Missy is fighting hard to counter the truth she sees in her own mirror. Her vacuous shell of a body is unrecognizable to her as it fads into obscurity. She does not have a famous or powerful husband to afford her spotlight. Her veiled apology over her treasonous Viet Nam war activities fell on deaf ears, translating to lack luster book sales. Now she is working from a position of weakness by attempting to garner what little spotlight she can muster.Her final desperate act will have little or no impact on what America or the world thinks.

The final piece of luck remaining for this heinous wretch is that she never played lover to a Kennedy, so alas she continues to breathe. Perhaps oxygen will become her nemesis when she can no longer face the truth reflected from her own mirror.

Thank God for our freedom of speech, for without it the idiots would be more difficult to identify.

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