Michelle Obama should be ashamed of herself for stirring up negative emotions while presenting herself as
Mrs. Obama has had a chip on her shoulder about Caucasian people dating back as early as her senior thesis at
Her “White Man” is the root of all evil document might have had some relevance to Black Americans in the 1950’s, but to create a document which positions white Americans as obstacles to blacks in the late 1980’s is more telling about her own animus for Caucasians than it is about any reality of life transitioning into the 90’s.
Where is her razor sharp tongue for the black men who have abandoned the mothers of their children and thereby creating an entire welfare class in
Michelle needs to read Blacks In the Ghetto or Civil Rights and the American Negro. Both were 1960’s eye-openers for progressive thinkers. The works were among multitudes of others dissecting and analyzing the past and future for Blacks in
I had an NAACP Wilt Chamberlain poster in my room in the 1960’s. Black is not a barrier to relationship for me. However, I do not appreciate being blamed for every gosh darn problem that Black Americans encounter. Michelle Obama is a quintessential White American hating racist. She would blame White Americans or Caucasians in general for her myopic perception of all the ills non-whites have dealt with from the beginning of time.
I was a young female, in the 70’s. No one handed me a free pass or a break because I was White. I didn’t have to point my finger at White men to get ahead in the business world. I relied on my intellect, positive personality and God’s good grace to succeed. Today I work in an industry dominated by gay, liberal men. As a conservative, heterosexual female, I face black listing, being named as a conservative on websites and being shut out from the good old boy network.
Blaming other people for failed deals or opportunities would be asinine, inane and somewhat prejudicial. Unlike the whining, white hating Michelle Obama I believe that focusing on a positive outcome is far more productive and authentic. There is absolutely nothing to gain by naming any class or ethnicity as an obstacle. If Michelle Obama’s sour historical attitude toward Caucasians is an indication of what the world can expect from her as
The only way to stop prejudice is to walk past it. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have made careers and millions of dollars by keeping the illusion of a Black and White American divide alive. In reality, Americans do not live in the 1950’s Sidney Poitier, No Way Out movie.
Wake up Michelle. We get it. You are not proud of being an American. You blame White Americans for all the problems Black Americans have ever faced and you are desperately seeking your position at
MICHELLE OBAMA'S THESIS http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0208/8642.html
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