Thursday, July 31, 2008

Obama tied to Iraqi government fraud?

Hundreds of millions in deals with candidate's associates

Sen. Barack Obama's office engaged in six months of negotiations with a company controlled by convicted criminal Tony Rezko to lobby the U.S. government to push through a nixed $50 million contact to train Iraqi security personnel at a site in Chicago.

The contract was awarded to Rezko's company while Aiham Alsammarae, a long-time, close Rezko friend and a contributor to Obama's campaign, served as Iraq's U.S.-appointed electricity minister, the senator's office confirms.

Rezko was a major Obama fundraiser and associate for two decades.

Alsammarae also awarded another Rezko-controlled operation as part of a $150 million contract to construct a 250-megawatt electricity plant in Iraq.

Alsammarae later was arrested by Iraqi authorities for bilking the coalition government out of some $650 million. He was sprung from prison under questionable circumstances in 2006 and escaped from Iraq, where he is still wanted for questioning with regard to major financial crimes.


Full story here

Voight On Obama

Monday, July 28, 2008

VOIGHT: My concerns for America

We, as parents, are well aware of the importance of our teachers who teach and program our children. We also know how important it is for our children to play with good-thinking children growing up.
Sen. Barack Obama has grown up with the teaching of very angry, militant white and black people: the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakhan, William Ayers and Rev. Michael Pfleger. We cannot say we are not affected by teachers who are militant and angry. We know too well that we become like them, and Mr. Obama will run this country in their mindset.
The Democratic Party, in its quest for power, has managed a propaganda campaign with subliminal messages, creating a God-like figure in a man who falls short in every way. It seems to me that if Mr. Obama wins the presidential election, then Messrs. Farrakhan, Wright, Ayers and Pfleger will gain power for their need to demoralize this country and help create a socialist America.
The Democrats have targeted young people, knowing how easy it is to bring forth whatever is needed to program their minds. I know this process well. I was caught up in the hysteria during the Vietnam era, which was brought about through Marxist propaganda underlying the so-called peace movement. The radicals of that era were successful in giving the communists power to bring forth the killing fields and slaughter 2.5 million people in Cambodia and South Vietnam. Did they stop the war, or did they bring the war to those innocent people? In the end, they turned their backs on all the horror and suffering they helped create and walked away.
Those same leaders who were in the streets in the '60s are very powerful today in their work to bring down the Iraq war and to attack our president, and they have found their way into our schools.

William Ayers is a good example of that.

Thank God, today, we have a strong generation of young soldiers who know exactly who they are and what they must do to protect our freedom and our democracy.
And we have the leadership of Gen. David Petraeus, who has brought hope and stability to Iraq and prevented the terrorists from establishing a base in that country. Our soldiers are lifting us to an example of patriotism at a time when we've almost forgotten who we are and what is at stake.

If Mr. Obama had his way, he would have pulled our troops from Iraq years ago and initiated an unprecedented bloodbath, turning over that country to the barbarianism of our enemies. With what he has openly stated about his plans for our military, and his lack of understanding about the true nature of our enemies, there's not a cell in my body that can accept the idea that Mr. Obama can keep us safe from the terrorists around the world, and from Iran, which is making great strides toward getting the atomic bomb. And while a misleading portrait of Mr. Obama is being perpetrated by a media controlled by the Democrats, the Obama camp has sent out people to attack the greatness of Sen. John McCain, whose suffering and courage in a Hanoi prison camp is an American legend.
Gen. Wesley Clark, who himself has shame upon him, having been relieved of his command, has done their bidding and become a lying fool in his need to demean a fellow soldier and a true hero.
This is a perilous time, and more than ever, the world needs a united and strong America. If, God forbid, we live to see Mr. Obama president, we will live through a socialist era that America has not seen before, and our country will be weakened in every way.
Jon Voight is an Academy Award-winning actor who is well-known for his humanitarian work. (AND FOR BEING ANGELINA BROLIE'S FATHER)

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

This Is Too Good Not To Reprint. Get Your Change Here

29 July 2008

The Butter-Cutter On The Campaign Of “Change”

By: Maj. Anthony F. Milavic, USMC (Ret.)

The presumptive Democratic candidate for president of the United States, Sen. Barak Obama, has made “change” the theme of his campaign. In an effort to learn the substance of that theme, I changed and sought out the Butter-Cutter on the left side of the Chow Line in the virtual Mess Hall.

“That's right! The brother's gonna change.” the Butter-Cutter declared without prompting.

“Well, early on, Sen. Obama pledged to stick to public financing. Now with his coffers full of cash, he has withdrawn from that commitment. Is changing his mind what the Senator means by 'change,' ” I asked.

“Look, man, this way, he can do more than with public money. So, he changed his mind. Man, he ain't dumb!"

“At one time, the Senator also pledged to get rid of NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement, by taking 'the hammer' to Canada and Mexico and threatened to cancel it unilaterally. Now, he calls those statements 'overheated.' . . .“

“That's right! Change, man, change! Ya know what I'm sayin'?“

“He also declared that he would filibuster any bill that included retroactive immunity for telecommunications companies. Later, the Senator said that he would vote for the new FISA bill,
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which gives blanket immunity for post-9/11 eavesdropping. Is this more of the kind of change the Senator intends to bring to the presidency?” I asked further of the Butter-Cutter.

“Yeah! Yeah! He changed like he said, man. Hey, man, don't he talk sweet? Ya see the brother talk ta all them people in
Philly back in March? Man, that was sweet! Not like that McCain. He can't talk wertashit, man . . . not wertashit! An', he only talks ta people face-ta-face in little groups. He's not like the brother who talks ta thousands at one time!”

“Senator Obama refused to wear
a U.S. flag pin because, as he said, it had become a substitute for true patriotism; then he started wearing it. Why do you think he made that change?” I queried the Butter-Cutter.

“Oh, man, a bunch o' them small-town people who pray, keep guns, 'n' are afraid of everything trash-talked him. So, he put on one o' them little pins 'n' they stopped. Ya know what I'm sayin'?”

In 2006 and 2007, he called for the immediate withdrawal of all U.S. Forces from Iraq, even threatening to cute off all funding for them. Later, he changed that to a promise to withdraw all U.S. combat forces in 16 months. His 14 July article in the New York Times contained yet another change. He now agrees to a residual force in Iraq with three missions: pursue Al Qaeda, protect American service members, and train Iraqi security forces. What do you make of those changes?” I asked.

“Hey, man, what's wrong with ya? Yeah, he changed like that: we're winnin'! Right? Ta get the votes to be prezidant, the brother's gotta be on the right side o' the fence. So, he changed! Ya know what I'm sayin'?”

“In March, Senator Obama said that he could not 'disown' the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, his spiritual mentor and friend for over 20 years. Then in April, he changed his mind and publically dumped him. What does that say about his loyalty to friends?” I asked the Butter-Cutter.

“Oh, man, that don't mean nuttin'. The Rev said the brother had ta say that shit because he wanna be prezidant. It was all just a little shuckin' 'n' jivin'. Ya know what I'm sayin'?”

Last week, he was scheduled to visit wounded U.S. soldiers in a military hospital in Germany. When told he could not bring members of the media and campaign officials with him, he changed his mind and cancelled the visit. Is that conduct befitting someone who aspires to be the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States?”

“Man, he was busy over there meetin' with prezidants 'n' talkin' ta thousands of people. Ya hear him talk there? Man, he talk sweet, sweet, man! That McCain talks ta ordinary people 'n' only a few atta time like he wanna be personal 'n' friends er somethin'.”

As we have seen, Senator Obama has changed his mind on campaign financing, NAFTA, FISA, wearing of a U.S. flag pin, keeping U.S. Forces in Iraq, the Rev. Wright, and visiting wounded soldiers. His demonstrated performance suggests that the substance of his campaign theme of 'change' and how he will conduct himself as president if elected is--change whenever it is politically expedient!”

“Ah, man, listen! When he be prezidant, the brother gonna talk sweet 'n' change. He ain't like that McCain dude who don't talk wertashit! The brother, now, the brother talk sweet! Ya know what I'm sayin'? He talk sweet 'n' change. That's what he's gonna do when he be prezidant! Ya know what I'm sayin? Hey, man! YOU KNOW WHAT I'M SAYIN'?”

“I know!” I said emphatically and then turned and walked away from the Butter-Cutter on the left side of the virtual Chow Line.

Semper Knowing "Shuckin' 'n' Jivin',"

Monday, July 28, 2008

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Friday, July 18, 2008