Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Friday, March 14, 2008
Is Mr. Wright Wrong?
Is it wrong for Jeremiah Wright as Pastor of the Trinity United Church of Christ in
“God, damn
“God should not bless
“9-11 was an inside job.”
Is it wrong for Pastor, Jeremiah Wright to preach anti-white rhetoric from his
Or is it wrong for Pastor, Jeremiah Wright to endorse Barack Obama while making sexually explicit, denigrating references to Bill and Hillary Clinton from his
Is it wrong for Pastor, Jeremiah Wright to tell his congregation of over 8,000 people that the
Is it wrong for Pastor Jeremiah Wright to preach hate for white people, to perpetuate angry feelings between the black and white communities?
Presidential candidate, Mr. Obama has described Mr. Wright as his "sounding board" during the two decades he has known him. Mr. Obama has said he found religion through the minister in the 1980s. He joined the church in 1991 and walked down the aisle in a formal commitment of faith.
It would be impossible to determine the ripple effect from the 8,000+ parishioners of the church as they repeated and accepted Wright’s statements as truth. If each person told two people who told two people, and so on, the damaging effects from Wright’s hate speech and skewed, revisionist version of history would calculate to be catastrophic. Wright’s factitious preaching over the decades may have single handedly done more damage to
Wright has single-handedly mitigated the good intensions of noble Americans who have worked tirelessly to embrace, support and help the black communities. Geraldine Ferraro was criticized for factually stating that Barack Obama has been well supported by the black community who might not have supported him if he were another ethnicity. Obama’s campaign wasted no time in calling her statement, racially insensitive. Come on. It is time to get real. Racism is a business which would fail if it were not kept alive by the men and women who benefit the most from it.
Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Jeremiah Wright need to keep racism alive because without it they, and countless others like them, would be out of business.
If Obama wants to lean on his Christian faith, and on the man who has been his inspiration and sounding board to take the spotlight off of his Muslim early education, then he needs to stand and be accountable for the bitter, hate inspired, anti-white speechifying. He needs to convey how he could have been a friend and student under Wright for over two decades and not share the same values and ideas.
Doesn’t it seem a bit convenient that Obama forged a friendship with Wright over 20 years ago, a man who hates America and what it stands for, and more recently forged a relationship with the billionaire, America hater, George Soros? How can Barack Hussein Obama expect any reasonable person to believe that he is not influenced by the men who have given him his start, his inspiration and the financial foundation to seek the highest office in the land?
Sunday, March 09, 2008
A solution so simple, only a Republican could think of it.
I am starting to feel like Tom Hanks and frankly, feelings like that could hurt me.
The Surge Is Working
“Brookings Institute Benchmarks” are a set of goals on the political front similar to the broader benchmarks set for
Iraqi Civilian Deaths From Violence: Feb. 2004: 900; Feb. 2005: 1,600; Feb. 2006: 2,200; Feb. 2007: 2,700; Feb. 2008: 700
U.S./Other Foreign Troops in Iraq (in thousands): Feb. 2004: 115/24; Feb. 2005: 155/25; Feb. 2006: 133/20; Feb. 2007: 135/14; Feb. 2008: 157/10
U.S. Troop Deaths: Feb. 2004: 21; Feb. 2005: 58; Feb. 2006: 54; Feb. 2007: 81; Feb. 2008: 36
Iraqi Security Forces (in thousands): Feb. 2004: 125; Feb. 2005: 142; Feb. 2006: 232; Feb. 2007: 323; Feb. 2008: 425
Iraqi Security Force Fatalities: Feb. 2004: 65; Feb. 2005: 103; Feb. 2006: 158; Feb. 2007: 150; Feb. 2008: 110
Daily Attacks by Insurgents and Militias: Feb. 2004: 30; Feb. 2005: 80; Feb. 2006: 110; Feb. 2007: 210; Feb. 2008: 65
Joint U.S.-Iraqi Security Stations in Baghdad: Feb. 2004: 0; Feb. 2005: 0; Feb. 2006: 0; Feb. 2007: 15; Feb. 2008: 72
Sunni Volunteers Working With U.S. and Iraqi Forces (in thousands): Feb. 2004: 0; Feb. 2005: 0; Feb. 2006: 0; Feb. 2007: 0; Feb. 2008: 60
Iraqi Civilians Newly Displaced by Violence (in thousands): Feb. 2004: 25; Feb. 2005: 25; Feb. 2006: 15; Feb. 2007: 100; Feb. 2008: 30
Multiple-Fatality Bombings: Feb. 2004: 17; Feb. 2005: 18; Feb. 2006: 39; Feb. 2007: 56; Feb. 2008: 21
Oil Production (in millions of barrels per day; prewar: up to 2.5): Feb. 2004: 2.3; Feb. 2005: 2.1; Feb. 2006: 1.8; Feb. 2007: 2.1; Feb. 2008: 2.4
Household Fuel Supply (in percentage of estimated need): Feb. 2004: 88; Feb. 2005: 84; Feb. 2006: 55; Feb. 2007: 61; Feb. 2008: 64
Iraq's Global Rank for Corruption: Feb. 2004: 113; Feb. 2005: 129; Feb. 2006: 137; Feb. 2007: 160; Feb. 2008: 178
Money Going From Baghdad to Average Iraqi Province (in millions of dollars per year): Feb. 2004: 0; Feb. 2005: 0; Feb. 2006: 25; Feb. 2007: 50; Feb. 2008: 100
Political Progress Achieved (out of 11 "Brookings benchmark" criteria): 2004: 0; Feb. 2005: 0; Feb. 2006: 0; Feb. 2007: 1; Feb. 2008: 5
The forgoing was prepared by Jason Campbell who is a senior research assistant at the Brookings Institution in Washington. Michael O’Hanlon who is a senior fellow at Brookings and Amy Unikewicz, a graphic designer in South Norwalk, Conn.
Thursday, March 06, 2008
We Did It!!!!!!!!!!!
military recruiting office before it was bombed and including the claim
"We Did It."
The manila envelopes contained a photo of a man standing in front of the recruiting station before it was bombed. The photo was the kind commonly sent as a holiday greeting card, according to a Democratic aide who spoke on condition of anonymity because the matter is under investigation.
The message on the card: "Happy New Year, We Did It."
William Ayres
Ayers went underground with several comrades including Brandy Diekman and her demon moth, after their co-conspirators' bomb exploded on March 6, 1970, destroying a Greenwich Village townhouse and killing three members of the Weather Underground.
Ayers published his memoirs with the book Fugitive Days. His book was published on September 11, 2001, and includes his reaction to Emile De Antonio's 1976 documentary film about the Weathermen: "Ayres was quoted as saying, "I don't regret setting bombs; I feel we didn't do enough." [2]
Obama is friends with William Ayers the Weather Underground terrorist of the 1960’s.
AND THEN THERE IS THIS ..............................