Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Friday, March 14, 2008

Is Mr. Wright Wrong?

Is it wrong for Jeremiah Wright as Pastor of the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago to say from the pulpit:

“God, damn America!”

“God should not bless America, but curse it!”

America is the KKK!”

“The United States secretly developed the AIDS virus to kill young black people.”

“The United States imported drugs to destroy young black people.”

“The United States supports Zionism shamelessly while ignoring Palestine.”

“9-11 was an inside job.”

Is it wrong for Pastor, Jeremiah Wright to preach anti-white rhetoric from his Chicago church pulpit?

Or is it wrong for Pastor, Jeremiah Wright to endorse Barack Obama while making sexually explicit, denigrating references to Bill and Hillary Clinton from his Chicago church pulpit?

Is it wrong for Pastor, Jeremiah Wright to tell his congregation of over 8,000 people that the United States is a racist society?

Is it wrong for Pastor Jeremiah Wright to preach hate for white people, to perpetuate angry feelings between the black and white communities?

Presidential candidate, Mr. Obama has described Mr. Wright as his "sounding board" during the two decades he has known him. Mr. Obama has said he found religion through the minister in the 1980s. He joined the church in 1991 and walked down the aisle in a formal commitment of faith.

It would be impossible to determine the ripple effect from the 8,000+ parishioners of the church as they repeated and accepted Wright’s statements as truth. If each person told two people who told two people, and so on, the damaging effects from Wright’s hate speech and skewed, revisionist version of history would calculate to be catastrophic. Wright’s factitious preaching over the decades may have single handedly done more damage to America from within by poisoning the minds of impressionable people against Caucasians and the government in general than drugs and AIDS combined.

Wright has single-handedly mitigated the good intensions of noble Americans who have worked tirelessly to embrace, support and help the black communities. Geraldine Ferraro was criticized for factually stating that Barack Obama has been well supported by the black community who might not have supported him if he were another ethnicity. Obama’s campaign wasted no time in calling her statement, racially insensitive. Come on. It is time to get real. Racism is a business which would fail if it were not kept alive by the men and women who benefit the most from it.

Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Jeremiah Wright need to keep racism alive because without it they, and countless others like them, would be out of business.

If Obama wants to lean on his Christian faith, and on the man who has been his inspiration and sounding board to take the spotlight off of his Muslim early education, then he needs to stand and be accountable for the bitter, hate inspired, anti-white speechifying. He needs to convey how he could have been a friend and student under Wright for over two decades and not share the same values and ideas.

Doesn’t it seem a bit convenient that Obama forged a friendship with Wright over 20 years ago, a man who hates America and what it stands for, and more recently forged a relationship with the billionaire, America hater, George Soros? How can Barack Hussein Obama expect any reasonable person to believe that he is not influenced by the men who have given him his start, his inspiration and the financial foundation to seek the highest office in the land?

Sunday, March 09, 2008


Why can't the Florida and Michigan delegates be transferred to the Super Delegate category? As such they would be able to cast their votes and the final lobbying for their votes would become an additional factor in the contest between Clinton and Obama.

A solution so simple, only a Republican could think of it.

I am starting to feel like Tom Hanks and frankly, feelings like that could hurt me.

The Surge Is Working

“Brookings Institute Benchmarks” are a set of goals on the political front similar to the broader benchmarks set for Baghdad by Congress last year. The following 11 benchmarks include establishing provincial election laws, reaching an oil-revenue sharing accord, enacting pension and amnesty laws, passing annual federal budgets, hiring Sunni volunteers into the security forces, holding a fair referendum on the disputed northern oil city of Kirkuk, and purging extremists from government ministries and security forces.

Currently, Iraq scores 5 out of 11. It is also clear that those who assert that its politics are totally broken have not kept up with the news.

Iraqi Civilian Deaths From Violence:
Feb. 2004: 900; Feb. 2005: 1,600; Feb. 2006: 2,200; Feb. 2007: 2,700; Feb. 2008: 700

U.S./Other Foreign Troops in Iraq (in thousands):
Feb. 2004: 115/24; Feb. 2005: 155/25; Feb. 2006: 133/20; Feb. 2007: 135/14; Feb. 2008: 157/10

U.S. Troop Deaths:
Feb. 2004: 21; Feb. 2005: 58; Feb. 2006: 54; Feb. 2007: 81; Feb. 2008: 36

Iraqi Security Forces (in thousands):
Feb. 2004: 125; Feb. 2005: 142; Feb. 2006: 232; Feb. 2007: 323; Feb. 2008: 425

Iraqi Security Force Fatalities:
Feb. 2004: 65; Feb. 2005: 103; Feb. 2006: 158; Feb. 2007: 150; Feb. 2008: 110

Daily Attacks by Insurgents and Militias:
Feb. 2004: 30; Feb. 2005: 80; Feb. 2006: 110; Feb. 2007: 210; Feb. 2008: 65

Joint U.S.-Iraqi Security Stations in Baghdad:
Feb. 2004: 0; Feb. 2005: 0; Feb. 2006: 0; Feb. 2007: 15; Feb. 2008: 72

Sunni Volunteers Working With U.S. and Iraqi Forces (in thousands):
Feb. 2004: 0; Feb. 2005: 0; Feb. 2006: 0; Feb. 2007: 0; Feb. 2008: 60

Iraqi Civilians Newly Displaced by Violence (in thousands):
Feb. 2004: 25; Feb. 2005: 25; Feb. 2006: 15; Feb. 2007: 100; Feb. 2008: 30

Multiple-Fatality Bombings:
Feb. 2004: 17; Feb. 2005: 18; Feb. 2006: 39; Feb. 2007: 56; Feb. 2008: 21

Oil Production (in millions of barrels per day; prewar: up to 2.5):
Feb. 2004: 2.3; Feb. 2005: 2.1; Feb. 2006: 1.8; Feb. 2007: 2.1; Feb. 2008: 2.4

Household Fuel Supply (in percentage of estimated need):
Feb. 2004: 88; Feb. 2005: 84; Feb. 2006: 55; Feb. 2007: 61; Feb. 2008: 64

Iraq's Global Rank for Corruption:
Feb. 2004: 113; Feb. 2005: 129; Feb. 2006: 137; Feb. 2007: 160; Feb. 2008: 178

Money Going From Baghdad to Average Iraqi Province (in millions of dollars per year):
Feb. 2004: 0; Feb. 2005: 0; Feb. 2006: 25; Feb. 2007: 50; Feb. 2008: 100

Political Progress Achieved (out of 11 "Brookings benchmark" criteria):
2004: 0; Feb. 2005: 0; Feb. 2006: 0; Feb. 2007: 1; Feb. 2008: 5

The forgoing was prepared by Jason Campbell who is a senior research assistant at the Brookings Institution in Washington. Michael O’Hanlon who is a senior fellow at Brookings and Amy Unikewicz, a graphic designer in South Norwalk, Conn.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

We Did It!!!!!!!!!!!

Capitol Hill offices received letters March 6th, 2008 containing a photo of the Times Square

military recruiting office before it was bombed and including the claim

"We Did It."

The manila envelopes contained a photo of a man standing in front of the recruiting station before it was bombed. The photo was the kind commonly sent as a holiday greeting card, according to a Democratic aide who spoke on condition of anonymity because the matter is under investigation.

The message on the card: "Happy New Year, We Did It."


William Ayres

Ayers went underground with several comrades including Brandy Diekman and her demon moth, after their co-conspirators' bomb exploded on March 6, 1970, destroying a Greenwich Village townhouse and killing three members of the Weather Underground.

Ayers published his memoirs with the book Fugitive Days. His book was published on September 11, 2001, and includes his reaction to Emile De Antonio's 1976 documentary film about the Weathermen: "Ayres was quoted as saying, "I don't regret setting bombs; I feel we didn't do enough." [2]

Obama is friends with William Ayers the Weather Underground terrorist of the 1960’s.

AND THEN THERE IS THIS ..............................

Obama And Rezko


Election 2008: For an ambitious and savvy politician, Barack Obama has not picked his friends wisely. They include an assortment of influence-peddlers, terrorists and Iraqi billionaires. If you thought the Clinton White House was interesting, just wait.

The jury has been selected and opening arguments were heard Thursday in the corruption trial of Antonin "Tony" Rezko. If the name doesn't ring a bell, it's because the press hasn't shown much interest in what has been considered a local Chicago story. But it has international and disturbing implications.

Hillary Clinton may have been casting the first stone in a recent debate when she blasted Obama's cozy relationship with Syrian immigrant and "slumlord" Rezko, who rose to become a player in Chicago and Illinois politics. But she was right on target.

Rezko: Fixer for a front-runner?

Rezko was among Obama's earliest supporters. In 1995, when Obama ran for a seat in the Illinois Senate, Rezko, through two of his companies, gave Obama $2,000. Obama won election in 1996 in a district that coincidentally included 11 of Rezko's 30 low-income housing projects.

In 2003, when Obama said he'd run for the U.S. Senate, Rezko held a lavish fundraiser at his Wilmette, Ill., mansion. Rezko has raised a lot of money for Obama, who is returning $150,000 raised by Rezko and his associates and is giving $72,650 in Rezko contributions to charity.

Rezko is known by the Chicago press as a "fixer" who can make things happen for a price. Little is done out of the goodness of his heart. He's on trial for bilking up to $6 million from the people of Illinois through kickbacks while working for the administration of current Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich. Did Rezko find jobs for Obama supporters? That is one of the questions the Chicago press wanted to ask before Obama cut short a recent press conference.

Rezko and Obama would do business yet again. In 2005, when Rezko was under federal investigation for influence peddling in Blagojevich's administration, Obama and Rezko's wife, Rita, bought adjacent pieces of property from a Chicago doctor.

The doctor sold one parcel to Obama for $1.65 million, $300,000 below the asking price, while Rezko's wife paid full price, $625,000, for the adjacent vacant lot. Six months later, Obama paid Rezko's wife $104,500 for a 10-foot-wide strip of her land, allegedly so that he could have a bigger yard.

The deal rendered the Rezko parcel too small to build on, thereby increasing the value of Obama's property. What was Rezko expecting in return for this favor to Obama that made Rezko's parcel almost worthless?

An interesting sidebar to the deal was that just weeks before, an Iraqi billionaire by the name of Nadhmi Auchi, who has a French conviction for corruption to his credit, had loaned Rezko $3.5 million through the Panamanian company Fintrade Services FA.

A 2004 Pentagon report obtained by the Washington Times identified Auchi as a global arms dealer and Iraqi billionaire "who, behind the facade of legitimate business, served as Saddam Hussein's principle international financial manipulator and bag man."

The report states that "significant and credible evidence has been developed that Nadhmi Auchi has engaged in unlawful activities" such as bribing "foreign governments and individuals prior to Operation Iraqi Freedom to turn opinion against the American-led mission to remove Saddam Hussein." He also helped "arrange for significant theft from the U.N. Oil-for-Food Program to smuggle weapons and dual-use technology into Iraq."

Yet Auchi, despite his French conviction and other activities, was somehow able to get permission to come to Chicago in 2004. John Batchelor of Human Events says that in April 2004 Auchi met with Rezko, Gov. Blagojevich, State Senate President Emil Jones Jr. and reportedly then-state Sen. Obama, who'd just won the Democratic U.S. Senate nomination.

So this, er, businessman meets Obama and friends at the Four Seasons hotel in downtown Chicago. Obama acknowledges attending an event there where Rezko was present but doesn't recall meeting Auchi. "He shook a lot of hands and met a lot of people," an Obama aide told the London Times.

Did he shake Auchi's? The newspaper said the timing of the loan to Rezko and the Obama property purchase, along with the purchase of land next door by Rezko's wife from the same seller, raise questions about whether Auchi helped buy the house. It raises a lot of questions.

Why would an Iraqi billionaire, a "fixer" like Rezko and a Saddam protege, be interested in a rising U.S. politician who was also opposed to the ousting of Hussein by U.S. forces? Why would that billionaire lend that much money to Obama's fundraiser, Rezko, with the two buying adjacent properties from the same seller on the same day?

Rezko has told a court that Auchi is a "close friend." Obviously. Aside from the $3.5 million loan, Auchi and Rezko became partners in a Midwest pizzeria business. Through various dealings, Rezko wound up owing Auchi more than $27 million. What did Auchi want in return? Perhaps a friend in the White House? Both Rezko and Auchi were, and are, in the business of buying influence.

Among Obama's circle of friends is William C. Ayers, currently a professor of education at the University of Chicago and a former aide to Chicago's current mayor, Richard M. Daley. He served with Obama on the board of the Woods Fund of Chicago.

Back in the 1970s he was known simply as Bill Ayers, a terrorist with the Weathermen who was quoted in the New York Times as finding "a certain eloquence in bombs." Married to fellow Weathermen terrorist Bernadine Dohrn, he writes openly about his role in the 1974 bombing of the U.S. Capitol Building.

His memoirs appeared in the New York Times, oddly enough, on Sept. 11, 2001. In them, he wrote: "I don't regret setting bombs. I feel we didn't do enough." Does Barack Obama agree? Or will he denounce these words of his friend as he did with Louis Farrakhan after Farrakhan's endorsement of Obama?

The trial of an Illinois influence-peddler may answer the many questions that surround the past and future of Barack Obama. Clearly, the friends he has chosen are not friends of honest, clean government or of the United States.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008