I was feeling a bit depressed the other day, so I called Lifeline.
I was put through to a ‘call centre’ in
I explained that I was feeling suicidal.
They were very excited at this news and wanted to know if I could drive a truck or fly an airplane.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
When You're Feelin' Sad & Lonely
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Partnership in Communism
Reference: AMERICAN THINKER, October 14, 2007
The Buried Legacy of
……………. Glenn Ford plays a liberal lawyer of the "communists can be decent people too" school who gets put through the wringer. Dorothy McGuire is present to inspire bad thoughts in the minds of the male audience. But if you can wrench your attention from Dorothy (not an easy trick, granted) the revelation here is Arthur Kennedy, one of the film world's truly great supporting actors. Here he plays a manipulative Party lawyer with exactly the right mix of superficial charm, coldness, and sheer malice.
No other film deals more effectively with Party techniques -- somebody, Robson, the producer, or the screenwriter, must have once held a Party card. But what makes this film stand out is the way it depicts the human cost of the communist impulse. In reading memoirs of former communists, what comes across most clearly is the destruction it wrought on the human level -- the wrecked marriages and friendships, the victims left to face suspicious authorities with no aid from their erstwhile "comrades", the true believers who found themselves on the wrong side of some Party "line" and subject to absolute personal destruction. Trial reveals this aspect of communism more clearly than any film I know of. The scene where Ford discovers that McGuire has betrayed him on behalf of the Party she no longer particularly believes in has an impact hard to match.
Robson went on to make bigger films (the 70s disaster extravaganza Earthquake was one of his), but nothing to match Trial. And along with most of the films mentioned, it's impossible to get hold of. While Fuller's films are available on DVD (his anticommunism is today viewed as simply one of many endearing eccentricities), there is no sign that Trial has ever been available in any format. END Reference.
If stated in terms of dealing with personal health issues. One can prevent cancer or wait until cancer is present and then try to remove or suppress it. The
HEALTH CHECK ALERT: There is a new cancer in our system. Too late for prevention. Never too late to remove or suppress it.