Captain 3G is ready to take the position. He will announce his candidacy before Hillary can buy the Kryptonite. Prepare yourself – Green Global Gore is not a bird, not a plane he’s Captain 3G.
Stay tuned!
Tuesday, October 9, 2007 10:20 AM |
NewsMax’s e-letter “Insider Report” first disclosed back on June 10 that the former vice president was considering entering the race if he won the Nobel prize. Winners are announced this October 12 in Oslo, Norway.
NewsMax reported, “Party insiders believe that a Gore campaign launched as late as October will still have enough time to raise money and challenge front-runners Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and John Edwards.”
Gore has been nominated for the prize for his efforts to draw attention to the dangers of global warming. Speculation about a Gore run has been increasing as the date draws near.
Gore supporters believe a Nobel win “would burnish his reputation and remind Democrats that he’s been a leader fighting what voters consider the world’s premier environmental battle,” Newsweek reports. “Some Gore backers think he’s already decided to run, but speculate that he doesn’t want politics to interfere with his Nobel chances.”
The national DraftGore.com organization has gathered around 127,000 signatures to put Gore on primary ballots, and is planning to run an ad in The New York Times urging him to run.
The California 4 Gore group has volunteers circulating petitions in all 53 congressional districts. And a poll in Michigan by Detroit News/WXYZ-TV had Gore winning 36 percent of the vote, beating out Clinton with 32 percent.
So far Gore has given no clear indication that he’s leaning toward a run, although he has not ruled that out when given the opportunity.
But Roy Gayhart, an organizer of the California group, told Newsweek, “We feel that if [Gore] wins the Nobel Prize . . . then he can’t not run for president.”