Who teaches Congress to “con”? Harry Reid is no more than the horn blower for the Democrat’s Trojan horse. The only person foolish enough to actually believe that a plan to bring the troops home is viable is John Edwards. His lack of real political experience and complete void of connections to the DC good ‘ol boys club would place him in a more target centric position than Jimmy Carter found himself in. Predestined to fail.
There is absolutely no way that the Democrats would leave the oil revenues on the table in
The whole lot of impotent weenies have climbed into Harry’s Trojan for the ride into the city. But its nothing more than a con job. That is why they don’t offer options. They don’t have to. Post 11/08, they can climb from the horse and slip into their seats and grab hold of the purse strings.
Depending on how the names roll out, the DC Madam may in fact be the best missile to hit the corrupted ground since the fallout from the Boston Tea Party. Hopefully the level of scandal will distract the media long enough to enable a fresh wind to blow. As it does hopefully every last man and woman guilty of supporting an illegal prostitution ring should be outted. Then the voters can determine a new direction at the next election.
Perhaps the outcome will be determined between the Horse and the Whore. In any event, the average person is not stupid. But if they are fed disinformation without any counter balancing truth’s that is the fault of the truth tellers for not speaking in a loud and clear voice. Sun Tsu said, "VICTORIOUS WARRIORS WIN FIRST... AND THEN GO TO WAR, WHILE DEFEATED WARRIORS GO TO WAR FIRST...AND THEN SEEK TO WIN."
Use the Whore to stop the Horse, to change the course.